Stoned Nature Walk

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by MaryJaneExpress, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Well i got pretty fucked up, and decided to take a walk with my camera.
    Im not a photographer by ANY standard. But it was fun.
    Enjoy....if you can :smoke:











  2. looks really nice:smoking:
    i haven't gone on a good hike or anything since i started school D:

  3. It's only about 5minutes from my house :smoke:
    I should do it more often though, so peaceful :p
  4. I miss being able to go to places like this man,ever since I've moved downtown it's all tall brick buildings,overwhelming traffic and ugh.Nice pics regardless if you're a photographer man
  5. That first one that tree is gnarly. Love how the limbs bend & contort so much.

  6. Cheers. There are so many crazy ass tree's in the forest :smoke: :smoke:
  7. thats great i wish i could be in nature more often :smoke:
  8. Gonna start taking nature walks in the spring, kinda cold and too much snow now ahha:smoke:
  9. Ever hear about snow shoes? There's nothing better than being the first to venture out in deep snow....
  10. ^Agree.

    But I do love taking a walk in the snow when theres 2-5 inches of fresh snow, before the cars and plows ruin the experience.

    Can't wait for spring/summer to get back to nature walkin though!!!:)

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