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Stoned hard today

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blazed4dayz, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I rolled a really sexy joint. I didn't even want it to be so much cause I'm smokin it alone. It ended up being about a gram of weed in the joint. I smoked it, took it in till the very end.

    And let me just tell you, I was in magical places. Definitely not a creeper. Nice mind and body high. I felt it immediately, and it reached peak limit at around 45mins or so and lasted a good 3-4 hours.

    If you ever get a chance to pick up some Sour Diesel, don't pass the chance up. If its grown well, you'll be amazed.

    And oh yeah, I went over to my guy's house to pick up, and we ended up chilling for like 2hours when I shoulda been there for 10. We ended up smoking a fat ass joint, and 2 well rolled spliffs, playing COD6 at the same time with surround sound. I will admit, I couldn't fucking talk that well, and I could barely stand up when I was leaving.

    Definitely a great type to try. I recommend it.

    Be high, stay high, live high :smoking:
  2. story bro. Your a super lightweight if a gram got you stoned hard.

  3. of sour deisel i dont think so... super lightweight wud be passing out on 1g of low mids like i did when i started
  4. I have some of that sour d, I prefer the haze that i picked up 2 weeks ago, but hey to each his own

  5. I have smoked sour d. And a gram of it didn't get me like super high with tunnel vision.
  6. you accomplished something guess again
  7. Sour Diesel is all right by me. I don't smoke it often but I've had good experiences with it.
  8. You guys are cool, I smoked about an eighth of a gram once and spent about 5 hours throwing up and shaking. Good times.
  9. .5 can get you buzzed, so why cant a 1gram get you stoned? And it was legit. I dunno man, I bet if you took the exact same joint and smoked it to yourself, you wouldn't say that.

    But like H4Z3 said, to each his own.
  10. I really wanna know what kids are smoking these days to where they can't talk. I like to think I've smoked the dankest of the dank, and never have I been so high where I can't speak coherently. You got stuff that fucks you up so bad you can't talk someones putting somethin in your weed, and if they aren't I wanna smoke what your smoking.
  11. Lol. Your in Apprentice Tokers dude. Wrong place if you want to hear stories of 40 grams smoked in 2 hours between 2 people.

    Who cares how much or how little it takes you to get stoned? As long as your getting stoned :D
  12. Yeah, you have a low tolerance, not that it makes you cool or uncool.
  13. i was goin pretty good today too i ate a cookie and once it hit i smoked a fat blunt and 4 bubbler bowls
  14. Nice nice.

    I just rolled another one for tomorrow ;p

  15. haha youre're deff a lightweight

  16. So true. I smoked this kid out for the first time. There was like 4 heads other than the newbie and we were all heavyweights. My friend had gotten hella weed from his bro so we just kept loading bowl after bowl of what he called trainwreck. We totally forgot it was the dudes first time and just kept passing it to him. I as a heavyweight was the highest I had ever been so he must have been flyin and he could still talk. I admit his voice was shaking but he could put a fucking sentence together.
  17. Whats wrong with being lightwieght, i wish a gram got me stoned hard....

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