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Stoned dreams?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Disorder, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Well, since I started not so long and not so recently ago i've always woke up remembering atleast bits of some pretty mental dreams.

    Last night really took the biscuit... I had a couple pipes and just as i'm starting to drift off I start thinking intensely about dreaming, then realise in myself that i'm about to dream and my brain instantly switches on and some figures walks past and goes"you ARE in a dream!" and shiiit I woke straight up like what the fuck?!

    Anybody notice smoking affecting their dreaming?
  2. All I know is, I blazed last night and I dreamed that I had lockjaw. Worst fucking dream ever.
  3. dreams are the best part of burning before bed
  4. haha yeah dreams are pretty amazing while high. it's like you can even smell the environment you are in, and you have all of your other sences too.

    But having a nightmare is a different story...
  5. Oh stoned nightmates are madddd too. Dreamt I stole Diana Ross' necklace the other night and mannn she was pissed haha.
  6. lol when ive dream high i'll jump and then feel like i fly away and it feels like it rele happens in real life.

  7. i have epic nightmares stoned
  8. Dreams are (in my opinion) the best part about night smoking. Like I'd get really high, really late at night and have the best fuckin' dreams ever. Then I'd wake up the next morning high.

    Makes my balls tingle just thinking about it. Hahahah.

  9. I have lots of weird sex in dreams when I go to bed really high:smoking:

  10. Hahaha sex dreams about your avatar.

    Kidding Bruda, Haha. :smoking:
  11. yea bro i jizz all over that son
  12. Hahaha you gotta do what you gotta do.
  13. haha i always have mad crazy dreams, like i was running naked got hit by car and stood up like nothings happen and got shoot. But i do enjoy my dreams its like the best movies ever
  14. Anyone else like this?

    Well I have semi insomnia so I don't get enough REM sleep as it is which cuts down on dreams.
    I also very seldom have dreams or don't remember them.
    When I do remember a dream, it is never anything out of the ordinary or something that couldn't happen in real life.
    The dreams are always based in my 3rd person point of view where I can just see everything happening as it goes down.
    I also have a hard time recalling colors, its not like they aren't there but I don't think I can recall enough details about each dream to know all the colors in it unless it is a person/place/thing that I can associate a deffinite color with. Overall, I only remember the basic manifest content.
    Anyone else like this?

  15. hahahah fuckkk that sounds scary.
    last night i went to bed stoned and i had a dream that i went to italy and went to every gelato store and ate all the gelato ahahah
    tasted pretty good in my dream

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