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Stoned and chillin with a possum

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by zombiefan, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. As it says. Was reading posts on my phone in my garage and the garage door light had shut off. Then out of no where it turns back on and a possum is chilling at the entrance.
  2. Did you catch it then tame it to roll joints?
  3. This thread is pointless without pics man, cmon, you know that.
  4. Haha. Try feeding it some lil food chunks so it hangs around for a while.
  5. Teach it how to pack bowls :smoke:.
  6. I wish I could of taught it to do that or water my plants for me.

    Naw it startled me and I got out of my seat really quick and the quick motion scared it off.

    Dude that does not believe this post, I have had close encounters with squirrels, deer, raccoons, coyotes, and oh yeah a skunk. The skunk went under my brother's car when we were smokin in it.

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