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Stoned and bored......

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xXx515reptarXxX, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. What should i do? any good movies on netflix too watch while baked?
  2. If you are stoned and bored you need to get more stoned.
  3. Netflix thankskilling

    You'll thank me later
  4. hard to kill or? something to kill with steven segal classic lmao
  5. walk? watch Louie ck or comedy stand ups :p
  6. How does one become bored while stoned? Fascinating.
  7. This is unheard of....
  8. Lol. dudes i watched dazed and kinda sober now....I NEED MORE WEED. lol. jk.
  9. jerk off
  10. Go on an adventure with your pet
  11. My dog was being extremely lazy earlier....i couldnt find the remote for the tv neither -_- damn.

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