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Stomach Pains

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JayWubs, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. So my friends finally convinced me to smoke and let me tell you despite saying that the first time wont be the best I had a great time anyways. It went perfect, I felt great and then went to bed. Since were on spring break we woke up and went to go smoke again, I was all for it being I was positive I wont smoke again till summer. This time though I felt "ok" at best afterwords. I had the munchies and a few dumb ass comments but I was super tired and out of it. I got home ate more food and started to get the shittiest feeling in my stomach. Its constantly gurgling. Iv noticed i'm burping and farting a lot and my burps have a horrible taste. Is it possible I swallowed some smoke. I'm writing this 1:00am in the morning and would like to figure out why im having a fitful sleep.

    I would also like to add the first day was pipe/hotbox/bong -Only about a couple hits from bong
    While the second day was purely pipe.
  2. Maybe you just ate too much happens to me sometimes especially if I'm smoking an indica or it could be that you just came down with something idk just some ideas (not a doctor) wish I got paid like one though lol

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  3. you stuffed yourself with food and the weed has you paranoid that something's wrong with your body.

    it's just stuffed because you probably ate junk. don't smoke weed til you're an adult.
  4. I retract my previous statement id go with this one or smoking more weed always makes things better
  5. Yeah the KFC sure isn't sitting very well right now same with the roman noodles.
  6. Didn't know romans knew what noodles were

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