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Stinky bud

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Rollbud, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Just brought home the strongest smelling bud I have ever had and want to know how to cover up the smell of it before I smoke it. It is in a lock box under my bed and my room still smells like pine forest that just got raped by a skunk.
  2. Air tight jar. But keep in mind when you do go to smoke it, as soon as you open the jar there will be an explosion of awesome smell.
  3. your going to have to grow a pine forest, and fill it with skunks so you can obviously point out why it smells that way.... haha no, um are you trying to cover up the smell of the smoke, or the actual bud just sittin in your room, cause you nee a sploof to cover the smoke smell, search it on here you will find plenty of stuff
  4. Yes using an airtight jar will do nothing to cover the smell of the smoke, just as a warning. Also that pine forest and skunk idea is feasible, pine trees smell awesome, skunks not so much.
  5. I've smelled so much bud over the years that now i smell a skunk and i try to decipher what strain someone is growing near me...only to realize its obviously a dead skunk a few milliseconds later....damn stoner antics hahahahah
  6. I wanted to cover up just the bud smell..the jar is working fine thanks for all the help.
  7. Light a candle. and or spray some febreeze/ ozium.
  8. You should already be keeping your stash in something airtight to maintain the flavor. Helps kill the smell too.

  9. agreed. try a mason jar thats what i use
  10. If your bud isnt completely cured, like lots of bud, letting it sit open for an hour or so every day will actually deepend the flavor, but thats if you get a lot, and have the ability to leave it open...which the OP doesnt hahaha

  12. Haha this is what I get my weed in when I go to my dealers :smoke:
  13. I have a small glass jar used for spices. Does a decent job but I then put it in a shoe box.
  14. when i first started to smoke i put my weed in a medicine bottle worked great

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