stingy tokers...

Discussion in 'General' started by viper2788, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. whats really been pissin me off lately is how grimey people around me have gotten with their green. its as if the basis of our relationships depend on who has weed and money.. and its always been sort of an exclude/include thing. even when people hit me up, one of the first things they ask is if i have my "contributions," and ive been rejecting that lately.

    to be honest, its due to this jewish guy in our group of friends.. and his influence mainly i believe. he is so uptight with keeping things "fair"... we always end up matching bowl for bowl... and as soon as someone runs out to match him, he stops packing as well. totally sucks the fun out of blazing with people. ive always had the sort of philosophy where if you and i are close, my weed is OUR weed if you're there for the session. smoke ups like these have become a rarity

    what happened to the old days when friends just got together? im sick and tired of having to PAY for my invitations... and it sort of works this way for all of us lately. out of weed or money? then you cant contribute so you're left out.

    basically ive been smoking alone more as i'd rather not deal with this bs. really cool guys, just grimey on the weed situation lately.
  2. i find it funny you HAD to point out hes jewish

    but yea agreed, what can you do :|

    its the main reason i prefer to smoke by myself
  3. i mean if the shoe fits... forgive me for pointing that out.
  4. I guess I've found myself smoking alone more often lately too.

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