Still Kicking ass almost 10 years later -Halo PC Sniper Gameplay-

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by SmokehTehBerr, Mar 12, 2013.


    I bought this game back in January of 2004 for $20. Best money I ever spent. Over the years I have racked up an estimated 2500~ hours and had a blast each time I joined a server (mostly).

    Unfortuneatly the game has been on the decline for the last few years, because my fondest gaming moments were when Halo PC was at its Height. Nothing like KWing with your Buds shutting down BK's all night.

    Hope you guys enjoy this gameplay! Its nothing amazing but was filmed in under a hour on one server. Couple sweet multi kills.

    If you have Halo PC still I recommend going to

    sapp has been released and if there is an interest I am considering opening another server soon.

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