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still high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by glublu, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. i smoked friday night, and well im still high or feel it, and it is monday. i have trouble reading and have to go to school 2moro ive slept plenty, ate showered, just about everything. im not freaking out about this im just curois as to if any of you have a way to solve this becuase im not going to be able to focus very ell in school 2moro... if it lasts that long, i know i wont becuase i struggled with my homework that was 5 questions-.-

    How i feel:
    Space out randomly
    feel light headed
    feel like my body itself is controlling me(brain not 100% there so its picking up the slack}
    and space out when playing video games, like dont pay attention and still do fine?
    even as im typing this im spaced out but im still typing a relevant sentence.... help?
  2. Mabye you're sick as in, you have a cold or something.

    You're not still high, mabye you're overthinking your state of mind causing yourself to think your stoned.

    Relax man, go for a run, and if it continues dont ask around of forums, go to a doctor (only if it continues)
  3. i would really like to try what you any more?...
  4. no friend has it=P

  5. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax. Honestly, I've never heard that happen to anyone so I don't really know what to tell you. Have you slept at all since friday? Sounds like you could just be tired.

  6. There is no way in hell your still blazed.
  7. Well THC is absorbed into your fat cells, and my assumptions are, if you are not a usual smoker, you realize it a bit more then the average toker. But your body is still 'processing' those cannibiods, I DONT think however they are active at this time, but im honestly not sure. I do believe that is why you feel the way you do, OR its just in your head, It may not even have anything to do with the weed either and your mind is just telling you it is, kinda depends on the individual.
  8. This happens to me sometimes. It's all in your mind... how much did u smoke?
  9. i mean i feel a little disoriented the morning afta, but never days after
  10. I'd say its a mental thing. After a period of moderate to heavy smoking I'll feel it the next day a little, not high just a little slow. But thats after smoking like crazy.

    Its been proven that if you believe your truly sick, then you will start to show symptoms.
    Your case may be similar to that since there is no way your still even remotely high 3 days later.
  11. i smoked like a 20 bag with my 3 friends so.... only mids.
  12. your deff not still high, but if it was like your first or second time smoking, u may be a little out of wack.

    i smoked my friend up for the first time and he said he felt off for the next 2 days. light headed, trouble concentrating and forming coherent thoughts, in a fog, ect. i dont remember such a thing happening to me my first time, but it may be what ur goin through. dont worry, youll be fine
  13. Me too! :smoke:
  14. Theres a good chance that you "want to" feel high so your convincing yourself that you feel how you think you are supposed to feel. If it was your first time smoking theres also a decent chance you weren't high at all, but if you say so i cant tell you you weren't... When you go back to school you'll be fine.. if not i'd see a doctor immediately.
  15. :yay:that just struck me as funny...
  16. speaking of your sig...
  17. Maybe the weed was laced?
  18. Same thing happens to me if I smoke a lot throughout a weekend so I switched the first day of my workout split to Sunday so, no matter what, I get an awesome lift in on Sunday afternoon and it gets me ready for classes and hours on end in the library Monday - Thursday.

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