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*STICKY THIS* Check it.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Colincjk4, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. For all you Apprentice smokers out there, I am not far off. People are always asking these questions like.

    Can I smoke out the window?
    What? YES Preferably get a fan, it wont smell that bad.

    Can I smoke in the shower?
    YES, lock the door and toke it up blow it out the window.

    Do sploofs work?
    YES, use a guide its just a papertowel roll with some shit stuffed in it.

    Will my Mom smell it?
    Put a towel under the door and call er good. or if your that worried dont smoke.

    People please add on more things that people ask all the time, ill throw them on this mug, and we will sticky it and they will be off here for ever and we will travel into the unknown.
  2. If you're trying to get this stickied, try adding more detail.
  3. What if the bathroom doesn't have a window?
    What if my parents are in the room next door?
    What if my window is locked?
    What goes in a sploof?
    Do toilet paper rolls work?
    Do I still have to blow it out the window?

    Useless thread.

  4. yeah OP if you want a sticky, your going to have to do way better than that.
  5. This is dumb, common sense

  6. Thats the point. People continue to post about it, if theirs a sticky, less people will.
  7. You think people read stickies?

  8. isnt that why they're stickied? because enough people like it and find it important that everyone should also read it and educate themselves...LOL.
  9. People don't read stickies. If they did read at least some of the stickies then half of the threads wouldn't be made. All the needed information is already stickied.
  10. i mean, the 2 stickied posts with the least views are what? forum rules and search function? lol i see watcha mean ;)

  11. ^^^ This
  12. 7 threads stickied.. all the info you will need.

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