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Sticky Grinder

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Smokemorebowls, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Any one know how to help with this? ive been trying to open my kief catcher for about an hour, and just cant do it. And is there a way to salvage all of the kief that gets caught in the screen, and in all of the cracks in the grinder?
  2. brute force always works for me man, as for cleaning out the grinder i got an old toothbrush cut the handle in half so it would fit in my stash box. sharpened a point on the end, and now my grinder is always sparkling :D the point is for dislodging any trapped weed and the toothbrush head itself is used for the kief.
  3. Yeah put your grinder in some like 91% alcohol in a bag or jar and stack all the pieces of your grinder in there close it, shake it, pour out all the liquid onto a plate or something like this and let all the alcohol evaporate. it'll take a while be patient. When it's all evaporated get a razor and scrape it all up and smoke it.
  4. ^^ for like .01 grams of microscopic kief dust lol? naww
  5. I think you'll be surprised how much you will actually get...
  6. Dude turn your grinder upside down and just bang the fuck out of it against a it upside down and you'll have a fat kief pile inside the lid of your grinder.

    Fuck yeah.

  7. That is a great fucking idea! thanks you :)
  8. Haha yeah :)

    Everybody I know including me just opens the grinder, takes the half with the kief in it, and smashes the fuck out of it against their desk. Few seconds later... kief magically appears on said desk :smoke:

  9. Dude shit yeah.
    fuckin legendary!
    mad kief bowls

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