I get this error only in the stickies of the beginners area Server Error Mysqli prepare error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY attachment.content_id, attachment.attach_date' at line 7 Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115 Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381 Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478 Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in XenForo/Model.php at line 219 XenForo_Model->fetchAllKeyed() in XenForo/Model/Attachment.php at line 37 XenForo_Model_Attachment->getAttachmentsByContentIds() in GrassCity/GrowJournals/Extend/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Thread.php at line 13 GrassCity_GrowJournals_Extend_XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex() in ModEss/ControllerPublic/Thread.php at line 40 ModEss_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex() in ThreadRating/ControllerPublic/Thread.php at line 7 ThreadRating_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex() in Bookmarks/ControllerPublic/Thread.php at line 15 Bookmarks_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex() in Andy/SimilarThreads/ControllerPublic/Thread.php at line 12 Andy_SimilarThreads_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351 XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134 XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/html/index.php at line 13
Hi @shubbie Do you get the error when you try to view, or try to post in stickied threads? Are you on your phone, or on PC? What browser are you using (ex. Safari 9.0.2)? @Lizard King
I am on a pc, win 10. Using Firefox 45. That is the only place, so far, I get that error. And I was just trying to open the thread, i.e. view. I just tried again and get this A server error occurred. Please try again later.
any of the stickies there give me the error. Here is one. https://forum.grasscity.com/threads/grandpas-grow-guide.73015/
Thanks for letting us know,i checked this on development server and we have the same issue. Seems we missed this on QA steps. I'll investigate this tomorrow.
No problem, thanks, I was refreshing my memory on light levels, thinking of doing led's vs cfl's...........
I checked these and found a very interesting thing , all these 3 threads have 0 post on old ipb database Code: MariaDB [ipb]> select count(*) from posts where topic_id=73015; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 0 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) MariaDB [ipb]> select count(*) from posts where topic_id=24559; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 0 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) MariaDB [ipb]> select count(*) from posts where topic_id=15076; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 0 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Once i complete setting IPB instance on test server , i'll check those 3 threads to find out why they don't have any post assigned to them. I currently hide the threads to make sure no other user enters them
I set the IPB instance and found the cause of the issue. IPB seems to archive some posts and move them away from posts table. We are creating a special import function to bring those posts back in the system. Should be done my next week.