Steven Baldwin is a Dipshit

Discussion in 'General' started by Indica Kid, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. #1 Indica Kid, Mar 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2009
    On "Larry King Live" Ron Paul and Steven Baldwin did a small debate on the legalization of Marijuana. Steven's opening statement was:


    The gateway drug theory is the #1 reason most politicians favor leaving marijuana possession a criminal act. The whole "gateway drug" theory is bullshit. That would mean that there is a chemical in weed that compels the user to do harder drugs.

    People say that it is a gateway drug because 26 out of 27 cocaine users (96%) have also used marijuana. This in no way shape or form means that weed causes cocaine use. The statistic that they don't tell you is that only 1 in 106 marijuana users go on to use cocaine (less than 1%). My personal opinion on this statistic is that people who have the personalities to use cocaine, often start with marijuana because of how readily available it is. If marijuana wasn't available, they'd hop right to cocaine.

    Saying that because most cocaine users have done marijuana means that marijuana caused cocaine use is like saying that 95% of meth users have consumed a gatorade in their lifetime, therefor gatorade causes meth addiction. It's the most ludicrous argument I've ever heard of....

    Also, lets assume there is a gateway effect of marijuana, it sure as hell isn't caused by a chemical in marijuana that forces a user to go out, purchase cocaine and rail a few lines. The only gateway effect caused by marijuana is due to desensitization to breaking the law, and exposure to illegal dealers who are often trying to push other drugs that might pose more of a profit for themselves. Both of these negatives would be eliminated by legalization.

    So to Steven Baldwin I say: Go take your shitty logic and religious propaganda and shove it up your pathetic ass. Then go get another movie gig because you resemble your brother who can actually act.
  2. This coming from a guy who thought his Brazilian housekeeper was some sort of psychic then became a born-again Christian.
  3. My question:

    "We need someone to argue legalization with Ron Paul. Someone smart, hands on in "world news" and someone with great leadership traits."

    Who the FUCK picked the D-list BALDWIN BROTHER? This is live television for Christ sake.
  4. Haha, funny a Baldwin brother should be talking about drug addiction.
  5. #5 nugglord_420, Mar 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2009
    Here's a link if you guys need it.

    Edit - Baldwin is a joke. lol.
  6. Steven Baldwin looks high as shit.. Look at his eyes and retarded smile throughout it!

  7. lol good point
  8. Ron Pall was on point as all ways, wish he was our president.
  9. How the hell is baldwin even relevant to the war on drugs? terms of debating he has, really, no credibility. Hes just a glamorized Hollywood celeb
    seriously, if someone can answer this please do...
  10. yea i really don't understand why they were talking to him
  11. actually, after thinking for a second...

    He IS just a washed up celeb.
    Hes probably getting paid to be anti-legalization
    He doesnt give a fuck, he just wants $$$
  12. that he can buy weed with.
  13. #13 TygaTyga, Mar 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2009
    biodome!!! lol SUCK A DICK BALDWIN

    this is just so rediculous as i watch more.

    baldwin says marijuana should be kept illegal because of how dangerous it is to drive while high.\

    eat a dick!!
  14. The whole gateway theory has been so blown out of the water it should just be put on record that whatever crackpot came up with the theory in the first place was just trying to justify smoking crack all day long so he/her blamed it on the harmless drug or marijuana, Cause what government cares enough to disprove the theorys of that drug that is just the devils garden. What bulshit. Marijuana leads to...more marijuana :) Addiction not meant.
  15. Personally, I don't like any of the Baldwin brothers. :p

  16. He probably believes this to be true, because he himself probably started off with marijuana, then quickly shifted to large doses of cocaine.
  17. Baldwin is a true idiot

    Seriously, Ron Paul actually knows how to debate. All Steven did was use stupid theories with no real proof behind them.
  18. Isnt Stephen Baldwin the one who screamed at his child on the phone that they got on recording? Asking his 8 year old daughter "How are you this fucking stupid?".

    Also maybe Phelps never actually says he smoked weed because in actuality it was crack lol.

    He shouldve said it was Salvia and its legal.

  19. 8:20- Baldwin "I have a question, I have a question."
    hahaha, he was totally ignored.

    baldwin is a fake.

    i love ron paul. he is the only repblican i would vote for. sad that no one takes him seriouslly in congress when all his points are valid and well thought out.
  20. I voted for Ron Paul in the Idaho 04 ballot lol.

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