Stereo system question

Discussion in 'Planes, Trains & Automobiles' started by Mstrmatthew, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I went to a speaker shop to look at some speakers for my ride. The guy at the shop said he can get me dual 15 inch 800 watt kickers w/ the box and a boss 3500 watt class d mono amp 1 ohm all together with installation for 645. Does this sound fair? and how loud do you think my system will be?

    Thanks in advance Blades!:smoke:
  2. Well it depends on the model of kicker subs. If they are like L7's then yeah that'd be a fair deal. But I'd upgrade on the Boss amp, Boss is a sub-par company. And yea 2 15's is gonna bump pretty good even if the subs are lower end kickers. But two L7's will BUMP hard.
  3. Is that 3500w RMS or max?

    Because if that's RMS, $645 is a steal.
  4. Do any of your friends know how to hook up stereos and systems? I ordered all my audio stuff from Amazon and hooked it up myself, its not too hard to learn how. But stereo places are typically so expensive! I bought my 2 subs, box, amp, and wires for about the same price as my local store wanted for the 2 subs. :eek:

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