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Step by Step Guide on makeing "Green Dragon"

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by jcj77d, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. #1 jcj77d, Sep 20, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2008
    How to Make Green Dragon

    This is a step by step guide on how to make "Green Dragon". There are many different recipies/methods on how to make Green Dragon, so ill show you how I made mine & I'll also include the "rule of thumb" recipies/methods for making Green Dragon along with links to these recipies/methods.

    What is "Green Dragon"?
    Green Dragon is an alcoholic beverage (tincture/extract) made by leaching the leaves, buds, & stems of the cannabis plant in a high-proof alcohol (higher is better), most commonly Everclear. The THC dissolves into the alcohol resulting in a dark green or brown liquid. Sugar or honey is often also dissolved in the alcohol to mask the extremely bitter taste of the extract.

    Basic Preparation:
    Green Dragon
    is a method for extracting the active ingredients found in cannabis leaves, buds, & stems. These chemicals, mainly THC, are not very soluble in water, but much more soluble in organic solvents such as alcohol. In addition, the chemicals responsible for the bitter and "grassy" taste of cannabis material are insoluble in alcohol, but more soluble in water. Chlorophyll is soluble in alcohol. Baking (as in "drying") the dry buds and leaves prior to adding them to the alcohol in either method increases the potency of the resulting preparation. This is because the baking process converts the inactive tetrahydrocannabinol acids (THCA) into the active THC.

    Caution: The amount of pot shown here would work for most regular stoners if it's a high-grade marijuana ("chronic"). You would most likely get high enough that you wouldn't be disappointed, but not quite high enough that you would get a panic attack. No guarantees, so each person has to experiment and figure out the right amount. Somebody who has not been high in a really long time would be very sensitive, so they would need to use less pot or use cheaper stuff ("schwag"). A total pot-head would need to use more pot
    . On an empty stomach you'll reach a peak high at about 60 to 90 minutes & can last between 4-8hrs (depending on strength & dose taken), whereas a toke or a bong hit takes about 15 to 45 minutes to peak & only last a few hours, so be careful not to take more doses until 90 minutes have passed.

    Links: , , , , or any of these

    How to make it taste better: Water curing the buds, trim, & leaves will remove most of the chlorophyll & other chemicals in the material, (except the THC & cannabinoids), which is mostly responsible for the bitter taste. Also adding flavored extracts to the the mix, either in cooking process or after your done will improve taste.
    How to make it stronger: after your done, you can make it even more stronger/concentrated by letting the Green Dragon mixture sit in the water bath on very low heat to let more of the alcohol evaporate, the liquid will get thicker, but will be more concentrated.
    The baking: some people find it better baking the material @ 200F for 20mins better than 325F for 5-8min

    Lets Get Started.

    Cannabis plant material - Leaves, Buds, & Stems (no seeds if you can).
    High-Proof A
    lcohol - Everclear 190 (if sold in your area), Everclear 151 or Bacardi 151.
    Candy or Digital cooking Thermometer.
    Containers - 1 pot (for water bath), 1 or more containers (metal or glass) to put mixture in, & a container (prefably glass) to store "Green Dragon" in.
    Strainer - mesh strainer (or mesh coffiee strainer, paper strainers arnt recommended) & Cheese Cloth or tea towel
    Grinder - coffiee grinder, blender, weed grinder or even scissors.
    Baking pan or aluminum foil
    Measuring Cup
    Scale - for weighting plant material

    Optional Supplies:
    Potato masher, ricer, or even a garlic press
    Flavored extract - to make it taste better.

    Step 1: Weight out plant material. The rule of thumb is .5 - 1.75 grams of High Grade Cannabis per 1 fluid ounce of Alcohol, or 1/8th per 2oz of alcohol. (use 2-3 times the amount if useing schwag or leaf material). This can be tweeked to your tollerence.
    This is what I used to make my "Green Dragon". (I made mine stronger than most recipies b/c i have a high tolerence)

    10.3 grams of "Big Bang" buds @ 18% THC
    1 3/8oz of "Big Bang" popcorn buds, trim, Leafs & stems
    Shot of popcorn buds, leaves, & stems.
    .7 grams of keif cake (pressed keif).
    7 grams of keif
    another shot of keif.
    not included in pictures is about 7 grams of schwag. total weight of plant material is 63.5 grams or about 2.3oz

    Step 2: Grind or cut up plant matertial useing your choise of supplies. (the finer the better, NOT TO A DUST THOUGH). the finer the material is the better the extraction is.

    Step 3: Pre-Heat oven to 325F. Spread out ground up plant material evenly on a baking pan (prefably lined with foil). Place pan in oven for 5-8 minutes @ 325F (or when material turns a bronze color) to activate the THCA to THC. DO NOT let temperature get over 380F (this is the temp when THC starts to vaporize, we dont want that).
    shot of ground up material in pre-heated stove w/ a digital thermometer in there to make sure temps stay in range. also notice color of the material before baked.
    shot of material after about 7mins @ 325F, notice the color change to a bronze (the THCA is now activated into THC).
    another shot of what the plant material is supposed to look like after baked. (pic courtesy ocitown)

    Step 4: Take activated plant material & measured alcohol & place inside your cooking container(s), & take this and place it in the pot of water for water bath (like a double boiler). place thermometer inside the alcohol & plant mixture. Turn on stove & cook the mixture @ 168-172 for 20-35 minutes stirring every 5mins or so, not letting the temperature get over 173F (boiling point of alcohol). be careful with this step, b/c high-proof alcohol is very flamable, thats why we use the double boiler method.
    shot of pot w/ water for the water bath (kept water @ about 190-210F)
    shot of baked material in 750ml of 190 Proof Everclear in cooking container.
    another shot of baked material in cooking container (also courtesy of ocitown)
    shot of 750ml (25oz) Everclear 190
    shot of setup of the double boiler & mixture.
    shot of thermometer to regulate temps, kept between 168-172F cooked for 30mins

    Step 5: Place cheesecloth inside your strainer, & place this over another container (I used the glass measuring cup for easy pouring), then pour your cooked cannabis & alcohol mixture through the strainer, then squeeze out all the liquid u can from the cheesecloth, either by useing a spoon to mash the material down, or if you have a masher, ricer or garlic press then use it to do the same, if not you can just twist the cheesecloth real tight to squeeze out as much liquid as possible.
    shot of cheesecloth in strainer over measuring cup w/ the cooked mixture poured in it, drained, & squeezed (twisted the cheesecloth) to the last drop.
    shot of plant material in cheesecloth in a ricer to squeeze out every last drop of liquid, this can get you up to 15% more out of the material (courtesy of ocitown)
    shot of the strained mixture = 8oz of "Green Dragon" (25oz cooked down to 8oz)
    shot of material after its been all used up & no good, this can be tossded in trash (courtesy of ocitown)

    Step 6: Pour your now "Green Dragon" into your storage container of your choise.
    shot on my "Green Dragon" in my storage container.

    Step 7: Dosing - Start with 1-2cc/ml. you can take it straight (very hard to stomach), or mix into your favorite drink & then just sit back & wait. I took 2cc on empty stomach & felt it at about 15mins in, & peaked @ about 80min, very strong body high, & really blazed after smoking as bowl

    thats it, have fun & be safe.

  2. +rep.

    Shit looks SICK.
  3. while that does look quality your complicated a simple thing. weed in alcohol. wait a month. strain it out. drink it.
  4. Great guide jcj, thanks for posting it. Im sure it will be useful to a lot of people, as for me......Even a lil everclear in my stomach makes me feel like shit lol, so im not sure how much i would like "green dragon."

    Plz Dont assume everyone on this forum knows the things you do.

  5. yes, i know, but this is the fast way & more potent, b/c its been heated activating the thc
  6. if u dont like everclear u can use bacardi 151 or even a high proof vodka, but once u mix it in a drink its ok, especially in a soda like coke
  7. Its 20 drops in a half beer or wine is recommended for a faster uptake,the 1cc/ml is 1/29th of an oz, mixed into 6 oz liquid so its 1 part GD to 180 parts everclear. Its not going to do much except add THC to your system.

    Some ppl need 2 or three doses to get the desired effect but do wait 40-60 min between selftitrations so you dose your self right,

    There is a bid dif. in how the body digests and uses the THC in this process and its dif. than smoking,maybe JCJ can link the cop who called 911 when he and his wife took 1/4 of dank and made brownies and ate ALL of them then called the operator thinking he was dying.(funny shit for sure,its still available).

    Btw JCJ feel free to use any pix of nmine you want as they may aid in extracting as much as 95% from the foliage.

    Did you grind the buds up prior to the carbolization?
  8. this is fucking awesome bro!

    i just saved this to my computer so i can try it later

    shit is sick!!
    i'd rep you but i don't matter yet
  9. Thanx for doin the GD bro,we needed it in a step by step.

    Im lookin into an extraction which will use just 2-3 drops under the tongue which will go directly into the blood like smoking through the lungs does,when i get it down you can do a step through if its easy enough.;)
  10. yea, i ground up everything. i took 2cc straight & was blazed after 80min, (nasty shit, & the evertclear is like fire). prob need more for my tolerance, so im gonna use the trim & popcorn buds i just harvested from the last of my church plant to make it stronger. my wife took 2cc in a mixed drink last night & she freaked out @ peak & even woke up still buzzed.
  11. thanks, & all reps matter.
  12. yea, im trying to make mine stronger, but man when i took 2cc straight, i damn near gagged, nasty shit & the everclear burns like no tomarrow. im about to add another 1/2oz of church popcorn & trim, but this mix im gonna let it sit in another bottle for about 2wks to get every drop of thc out, strain & add to what i just made.
  13. + rep man, gotta love the tincture.
  14. Question: Can you make Green Dragon of any potency with JUST stems? I've been saving mine for a little while now with that idea in mind.
  15. can i use normal vodka and just let it sit for a real long time?
    say.. a gram of nice weed, in like 2 shots of gray goose or some shit. how much of it would i need to drink to get ripped if i have a low tolerance??
  16. u can try, but potency will be way low unless u use tons of stems, prob need at least a 1/2lb of stems to 16-24oz of alcohol to get high
  17. yea, u can, but id still grind & heat the bud up some. & do 1gram to 1oz of vodka & let set forv 1-2wks shaking it every so offten. i think this mixture & measurements will give u a few doses
  18. would it give me 3 good highs? if so then its really fucking worth it :)
  19. yep, here it is
  20. Same exact thing happend to me too,fucking light weights.:p

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