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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CodyLar, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. i got a few grams of stems. do you think id be able to make hash out of that little amount... well enough to get me high. im out of bud and money at the moment
  2. You might be able to make some qwiso with them. It would help if you posted pics so we could see about how many you have.
  3. I seriously doubt that bro. Why don't you just save more stems? Once you have a lot you can make some killer hash.
  4. Also, you should post some pictures so we can see how dank the stems are.
  5. That is not enough.

    Just take a T-Break.
  6. im just having a shit day. i need a buzz. ima try to make a little qwiso or whatever the fuck its called. you think 70% iso alcohol will be sufficient. all i can find
  7. The higher the % iso alc., the more pure it is, and the stronger the qwiso will be.
  8. well i tried making some, its drying right now. thanks for the help guys. my bud was nice enough to front me a gram and smoke me up

    *thanks weed for the dont give a fuck mood*:smoke:
  9. With that little amount don't bother with cooking anything.
    Crush them up into tiny pieces.
    Run it through a grinder with a keef catch and a coin in the herb chamber.
    Freeze for an hour and shake violently.
    Throw away the stem bits and use all that new keef
  10. I think I'd lose interest during that hour :smoking:...why is this step necessary?
  11. freezing herb makes the trichomes more brittle so the resin glands break off far easier

  12. Any keef that is caught in your grinder or the THC on the inside and outside of stems, condenses and falls to the bottom easily after being frozen. If you have a clogged grinder, freezing it is a savior.
    You dont have an hour to freeze it, but you wanted to make hash? haha
  13. ive heard of making cannabutter from stems, but i just throw mine away. the kief on them is way less then the bud.

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