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Stems in Firecrackers

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Darky185, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. My sack is running a little low so I figure I should just make a firecracker or two out of whats left, would there be any issue with using some of the stems for firecrackers if I grind them up? I know they're low in THC content and have ill-effects if you try and smoke them but I haven't heard anyone say anything about not using them for consumables like brownies.

    Using stems is fine, right?
  2. yuck, stems would be gross to eat even if you ground them up
  3. It's gonna be bitch to eat if you don't grind them up well.
  4. at least use a coffee grinder. a weed grinder won't do the job well enough in my opinion.
  5. True, I totally forgot that I have to eat them (Guess what happened to my sac :smoking: ) and that they'll be all hard....

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