stem tea?

Discussion in 'General' started by Nizbomb, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. i heard you can make weed tea with enough stems. can it get you high?
  2. #2 BadKittySmiles, Jan 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2012
    Keep in mind that cannabis glandular material is not considered very water soluble, and with all the water content, it is also not greatly soluble in even milk, or high-fat cream.

    These recipes take hours of exposure to heat, in order promote a decent level of bioavailability, by which time much of the beneficial properties have actually degraded.
    Where water is present, much like the old 'water-butters', it becomes a matter of:

    Either stopping short of the full process, leaving a patient to consume potency that can't be absorbed, and will go 'in one end, and out the other' without absorption! Or, you must process for too long, in order to achieve a decent level of bioavailability, at the cost of a great deal of your potency.

    In that way, milk/water-butter/based extractions, provide patients with a lose-lose scenario.

    Recreational users, who make tea's this way, feel largely only the terpene content, aided slightly by the placebo effect.

    Many of the over 120 terpenes in cannabis have sedative, analgesic, and even cancer-fighting properties, all their own! They are also responsible for the odor produced by cannabis...

    Their 'odorous presence', in a tea, or even in an improperly made oil, does not necessarily indicate cannabinoid presence, or bioavailability!


    Long story short, the best teas, canna milk and 'bhang', all start by processing the herb in a pure oil source, such as coconut oil, or clarified butter (that is, store bought butter, that has had both its water content and its milk-solids, removed. Takes about 15 - 20 minutes to clarify a lb of butter, and leaves you with pure milk fat, and about 85% - 90% of the total volume that you began with).

    So anyways, yes, it can medicate you or give you a good buzz, but if you cut corners you'll be lucky to feel anything at all.... a link to get you started:

    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Canna Oil

    Med-Grade Canna Oil


    Treat your stems the same way you would treat your herb, using the above tutorial... you will need to activate the material, and promote bioavailability in a pure oil source or other edible solvent before consumption.

    Using tincture or oil can give you plenty of options, for drinks as well as edibles;









    Good luck! :)
  3. thanks for the link, kitty :D
    how much stem do you think i need?

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