stem scoliosis

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by thatcelticsgame, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. if somebody has a plant that looked like the attached photo, should that person try to figure out how to stand it upright or just leave it alone?

    Attached Files:

  2. I would either tie black trashbags around those containers, or buy some black ones, roots and light are a big no no
  3. In my extremely limited, bordering non-existent knowledge... Seeking the light or too windy too soon is what has caused things similar to this for me.
  4. I would tie it upright to a little stick, gently.
  5. > Seeking the light or too windy too soon

    so perhaps the fan was turned up too high in this example.
    this may have been out of concern for the plants getting too hot, or after a bug was seen landing on one.

    > I would tie it upright to a little stick, gently.

    how hard is it to do such a thing without accidentally snapping the stem?
    i have no idea, having never touched a live plant with my hands.
  6. My seedlings did some odd acrobatics early on but they straightened out just fine.
  7. > I would either tie black trashbags around those containers, or buy some black ones, roots and light are a big no no

    loosely so as not to obstruct all of the hand-drilled drain holes, i guess?

  8. there are holes on the side? is it an air pot?
  9. or tightly and push your finger through the drain hole, just as long as light does not get to the roots
  10. #10 thatcelticsgame, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    > there are holes on the side?

    bottom *and* sides of a used water jug.
    originally only the bottom but this was suspected to be inadequate (clogged?) due to zero observed runoff when watering.
    the others visible are a wastebasket and a milk jug, lol.
  11. #11 thatcelticsgame, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    > just as long as light does not get to the roots

    hmm how soon are the roots likely to extend far enough laterally to receive light through the soil?


    edit to add:
    noting that a great many "black" trash bags are not fully opaque, is that necessary or would "darkly tinted" suffice?


    edit to add:
    is there a chance in hell the plant's failure to stand upright has anything to do with the container type at this stage of development?
  12. I just slightly push the plant straight up and compact the soil around the stem so it cannot tilt.

    It's not really a big problem at all.
  13. #13 thatcelticsgame, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
    the individual who took this photo says a rubber band notched above the cot leaves and duct-taped to the outside of the container worked pretty good, thanks.

    as for the roots issue, i'll reiterate a question from post #11. do the containers need to block out all the light or just most of it?

  14. Roots are sensitive to light. The more opaque the container the better. Some even wrap their pots in Mylar.
  15. the selfsame plant pictured above is standing straight up now and the sides of the jug are covered.

    one new symptom exists however. certain pairs of lateral stems have developed redness only along the upper side.

    color symmetry is being maintained however, i.e. where a branch on one side of the trunk turns red, so does its counterpart on the opposite side of the trunk. the majority of branches appear green and normal.

    i would attach another photo but all attempted close-up shots are too blurry to see what i'm talking about. any suggestions?
  16. Depends on the strain.
    Purple/red stems can be from genetics or it could be a phosphorus deficiency or a P-lockout.
    If there are no signs of any other issues I wouldn't worry, most likely genetics.
  17. Wow, the more I see indoor grows makes me glad I grow outside in dirt, indoor seems to be a lot more work (lights, fans, special nutes) I just stick some seeds in a wet papertowel and when they germinate, stick 'em in the soil and water for a couple months then start feeding them with water soluble nutes. Come the end of Oct. I have my harvest festival. "Let the Feast begin!"
  18. then again, if you tried to grow a really stinky and dank plant like skunk outdoors in a city, the cops could smell it from down the block if the wind is blowing right............
  19. #19 thatcelticsgame, Aug 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
    i apologize for only now noticing page 2 of this thread which i had bookmarked.

    this is a heinz 57 strain from the bottom of some bag. i have no clue about the genetics.

    a few leaves (toward the bottom of some plants) are brown at the tips and a few others (at the top of some plants) are "tacoing" upward.

    the symmetry of these symptoms continues to amaze me, as everything going wrong on one side of the plant happens in the same position on the opposite side.

    at least 95% of leaves/stems (by total count of the room) look totally normal.

    not to mention worms, bugs, birds, and all manner of other vermin.
  20. I'm not worried about the cops 'cause I'm legal, it's the thugs I gotta worry about. My luck, my girls would be just finishing up and some ass would snatch 'em up. Good thing I've got a big dog!:eek:

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