Stem rot solutions

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Olaf99, Jun 23, 2021.

  1. Hi there everyone, this is the first year I have planted medical CBD marijuana. I have planted around 500 plants, all of which are clones, but I have been having a problem as of the past few days. The stems of a few of the plants rotted (check photo below). I can't seem to figure out why, the only few things I can think of and have found was root rot (don't think it is this because the roots do not give off any bad odor) or pythium fungus (could be this but If it were I would have thought that it would have killed the hole field), the last thing I thought of was they were planted to deep in the soil, what is the perfect planting depth for clones ? If anyone has any advice that would be awesome.

    Attached Files:

  2. IMO- Dampen Off, a fungal infection one gets with seedling much younger tho possible with clones

    deeply inserted they will set the conditions for the fungi to spread,

    neem oil is your friend as is a dry paddock

    clones like all plants the crown (base of plant) is level with the ground surface

    perhaps higher in damp conditions

    good luck

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