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stem butter

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by th3ory, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. I saved up about 6 months worth of headies/KB stems....threw about an ounce worth in my magic bullet and grinded away....very finely grinded and smells buddy just made a batch of butter with half oz stems half oz leaves from his most recent grow and it worked nicely...think the oz of stems is good for butter or should i use it for something else? :smoke:
  2. made it a couple hours ago, looking good in the fridge, added a gram of keif on top to add potency....theres a lot of bits of grinded up stems settled at the bottom....should i reboil and sift that out, or would i lose butter and not be too effected by the grinded up stem in the first place?
  3. results:


    Might reheat and add another 1/2 stick of butter as I used what i had at the time (1 1/2 sticks) may also shift out the stems....
  4. mmm quite ripped.

    big gulp eh? welp, see ya later.
  5. how did it turn out yo?
  6. Interested too, also how high is your tolerance?

    I added my stems to qwiso, which you can make with just stems if you wish. I was originally going to vape them.
  7. I made some toast to test it out...used a decent amount of butter though just to be sure i'd have enough....ate 2 pieces like an hour apart....both were fairly short highs...but definitely nice while they lasted considering what I used....face got nice and numb, normally a good sign. stomach hurt a bit after the 2nd one, but still had the similar numb faced high for a good 45 minutes or so.

    My tolerance is pretty high, I smoke 3-4 grams a day....tomorrow I'm going to bake the brownies though so I'll post back then to see how well they work out.

    In terms of was comparable to terms of's comparable to nothing lol....I didn't mind it too bad though, not gagworthy or anything.
  8. was barely even able to finish 1 brownie....made the extra fudgy type in hopes it would kill the butter taste some...yea didn't work....I'm either going to feel high as shit, or sick of shit...let the countdown begin. :wave:

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