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Stem Bowl??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Coldgreenetea, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Ok, so heres the story, so like, two weeks ago, I bought an eighth. I smoked it a bunch with my friend, smoked him up a ton. Then I bought another eighth, only this time we split it. I paid 20 he paid 30 and since he kinda owed me, he said we could go 50/50. Well, right now, its a few days later, and we are getting LOW!

    I have like one nug the size of a marble, and another thats like a pea or something. But...I do have a bunch of stems, I know they taste bad, but I dont care, I just want more high right now. What do I do? I really dont want to tap into our stash because he wants some of it too.
  2. Stems have a really low THC count.

    Try eating a mango roughly an hour before you smoke. This will get you higher.
  3. you know.....Ive said im gonna do that for a long time now.....but I only think of it when im high..:smoking:
  4. I call shenanigans! Do you have anything to prove this?

  5. wtf why? mangos are good as fuck, eat it after you are high it will taste 10x better.
  6. eww don't smoke stem bowls.
    first of all they don't get u high, that why know one smokes them
    2nd it will probably just give you a headache
    and 3rd smoking stems is much worse for u then smoking bud

    but u could use the stems to make tea or something like that

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