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stealth vaporizing

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Vapor, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. ...any suggestions? I have a vapor bros, but its not the hands free one

    fanks. :wave:
  2. Vaporizers by nature are pretty stealthy - there's no huge smoke clouds, no paper burning, or anything of the like. Most are pretty quiet. Vapor smell doesn't hang around as much as just straight pot smoke does, and its less noticeable to begin with from what I've noticed. I haven't ever used one in a room that didn't already reek of weed though - so I'm interested in what others have to say.

    If you're really worried, you could blow your hits through a sploof, and there should be no smell coming out of the vaporizer when you're not hitting it.
  3. I'm curious why sparticus63 didnt suggest the Iolite b/c it's in his sig...

    I've got one and its VERY stealthy...looks just like a walkie talkie...but your puffin on the antenna lol. Check em out, they are butane powered which is the only downside.
  4. Go for the iolite. I have had one for about 10 months and it has been the best thing. It is worth its price IMO
  5. Magic flight launch box is very stealthy. and cheap to. it is completely silent.
  6. Yeah like said before vaporizing doesnt smell. I used to use mine in the living room at night and when my parents came out they would just say it smells like popcorn
  7. like I said before, i have a vapor bros, but its not the hands free one. its a pretty sweet vape, but now you guys have got me hooked on the magic box thingy.

    so, heres a question - If I already own a vape, is the magic flight a good option for stealth vaping / vaping on the go? im thinking yes... but gimme some opinions, blades! fanks again! :smoking:
  8. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but when I use my vape there is a very definite odor to it, and a very definite pot odor at that.
  9. idk man i vape in my dorm all the time and my roomie doesnt even notice the smell i just dont vape when heres there but hes walked in litteraly 5 mins after and doesnt say anything (hes against it) im blazed right now actually :D
  10. How is the iolite stealthy? its loud as hell
  11. It's pretty hard to use a most vapes stealthy because you have to keep it plugged in . I think bag vapes are a more stealthy than whip vapes, This was my setup while I was home for break, I kept everything in my xbox box and tried to unplug it and close it before someone knocked on my door. And I don't care what people say you can still smell it, it dosent smell exacly like weed, but you can tell, or at least my roommates can. [​IMG]
  12. I have one of those...tell me, do you have a hard time keeping the whip connected to the wand? It keeps falling out for me, no matter how hard I shove it up there... (heh)
  13. Ya, It falls out sometimes if i don't hold onto it, but I find if I hold it in there for a second and let it warm up it stays in better. OMG man, you just got me thinking and I found a good way to keep it from falling out! I took the stem/joint clip from my bong and it holds the wand in super tight. Problem is it rubs up against the inside, and puts pressure on the glass stem, but I can probably shave it down so it won't
  14. Well, crap, I don't have one of those. Eh, well, once I've been using it for a minute or two, I really don't care that the tube falls out. If anything it makes me giggle. Haha
  15. lol, have you blown your weed into it yet? that shit sucks. I now make sure I'm not watching anything funny when I blaze so I don't laugh and blow it and I tried everything and I still cant clean it out.

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