Stealth Op - Codenamed: Babylon v2.0

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Cobbweb, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. #1 Cobbweb, Jan 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2014
    Project Babylon v2.0
    <span style="font-size:14px;">This is my first attempt at growing on a large scale.  I have built a small CFL cabinet and grew some bag seed; however, it was just something to pass the time until I had enough funds to set up my grow room.  This room will be built under our laundry room in the cellar.  The main room's dimensions are 7'x 14'x 6.5'.  Plenty of room for (2)3x3x6 grow cabinets, (1)2x3x6 clone/mother cabinet, and a 8"x6'x6' shelf.</span>
    <span style="font-size:14px;">Basic Scale and rough draft of room:</span>
    Grow Cabinet #1:
    -Lumatek 600 Watt Ballast 120v
    -Yield Master II Classic 6" Air Cooled Reflector
    -Hortilux - 600 Watt Super High Pressure Sodium Bulb
    -Hortilux Blue - 600 Watt Metal Halide Bulb - Horizontal
    -VenTech DF6 6" Duct Fan 240 CFM (for light hood)
    -VenTech IF6B 6" Inline Duct Fan 440 CFM
    -iPower GLFILT6M Air Carbon Filter
    -Fan speed controller
    -(2) Holmes HACP10B-U Oscillating Clip Fan
    Grow Cabinet #2:
    -Lumatek 600 Watt Ballast 120v
    -Yield Master II Classic 6" Air Cooled Reflector
    -Hortilux - 600 Watt Super High Pressure Sodium Bulb
    -Hortilux Blue - 600 Watt Metal Halide Bulb - Horizontal
    -VenTech DF6 6" Duct Fan 240 CFM (for light hood)
    -VenTech IF6B 6" Inline Duct Fan 440 CFM
    -iPower GLFILT6M Air Carbon Filter
    -Fan speed controller
    -(2) Holmes HACP10B-U Oscillating Clip Fan
    Mother Cabinet:
    Clone Cabinet:

  2. looks great dude, when will it be done, have you started the build yet?
    also with all that room, why spend money on cabinets, id separate each grow room with timber frame 3" 2" and staple up some black sheeting, for the doors use black sheeting with Velcro, save you some series £££ on the cabinets,just a thought lol
    what you have planned looks great !!!   
    Thanks for popping in RR! I decided on two grow cabs for several reasons.  I really want to try growing many many different strains, and this setup will allow me to give very good attention to two different strains at a time. (think SCROG training) It will also help with scheduling for my assistant "Mrs. CoBBweB". I'm a truck driver by trade, so i'm away from home for 6 days straight. So, I have to keep a detailed timeline  and regime for my assistant to follow.
    These past few days I have totally stripped the room down to cement walls, cleaned, and painted. My goal is to drop seeds in about 3 months.  I just ordered/bought a majority of my soil components as I want them to have ample time to "cook".
  4. Any updates on the build?Sent from my CnM-TP-8DC-16-B using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. Had to hold off on my first grow due to not having enough compost. I planned to use all locally sourced materials and ingredients; however, I didn't realize how long it would take to get all my compost and vermicompost really up and running.

    For compost I am using equal amounts of dead leaves and dried coffee grounds with dry horse manure sprinkled in. I add this to my homemade 3ft W x 3ft L x 4ft H compost bin. Then wet it of course. My first batch composted for 3 months.

    I then took that finished compost and mix it with my local Red Dirt (soil/clay) and some cleaned sand from the local frac yards.

    I mix those at 40% red dirt, 40% sand, and 20% compost. Then feed it To the worms. It took about 2 months for my worms to fill a 5gal bucket.

    All that work for just the soil component of my growing mix.

    This week I blended my growing medium as follows:

    5gal soil mix
    5gal perlite
    5gal sphagnum peat moss

    1 cup lime
    1 cup granite dust (local from crusher)

    I hope I haven't over complicated my growing medium, but I'd like to be able to sell this mix at my local farmers market also. as I am an avid raised bed gardener as well. this is all just one big experiment as I have fallen in love with botony!

    Smoke on! I will try to make the updates more regularly!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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