*Disclaimer possible buzzkill Are STDs a concern to anyone on here? I see alot of people in person and online saying "fucked this girl" or "get your junk wet bro," is the risk of an STD pertinent to anyone else enough to abstain or use protection 100% of the time? I mean I slipped up last night, had unprotected, and she was starting her fucking period and didn't say anything about it, and I am flipping shit in my mind, planning to get tested in May because it takes three months for HIV to show, and everything else would show by then. She told me she was clean and gets tested but I don't believe her. If the good Lord protects me I'll never do it again, because not only is it a scare, but it doesn't help any problems, kind of amplifies them personally. Do STD's merit caution to you? Also, apologies if this is a buzzkill for anyone, but this is really important sh*t, can be life or death, or comfort/upset for multiple people involved.
yea bro stds not fun. i banged this chick once without protection ... never again. its not worth it. if ppl say it takes away pleasure just think of it like it decreases sensation enough so u can last longer and then it's not a big deal.
Tell the girl to get herself tested because you might have something. If she come back positive then you'll know if there is a chance you caught anything from her.
Fucking sucks, praying to God or whoever. I never slept with girls unprotected except my faithful, and I guess I did it because I never did. Big regret. Research shows that I'm most likely fine though, but I don't want any fucking std, no HPV no fucking Herpes. If I stay clean, never unprotected again. If I'm not, well, I don't have a choice but to stay abstinent.
No reason not to wrap it up let's get off the topic for a sec not to mention the fact of getting some chick prego for not wrapping it up and now back to std topic what if you get some std and some girl prego that gave you a std.. Fuck all that Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mob
Umm I honestly dont think praying to God would work. You not only had sex out of marriage I bet you didnt even come inside her. If you didnt you wasted your seed and that's another sin. Only Satan will help you now but chances are he wont.
Was she a hoe? I've had a few times I went raw and afterwards I was like "oh shit .. I hope I didn't catch anything." But nah I was just paranoid overreacting I haven't ever had an STD, except , technically a small cold sore years ago. I wrap it up usually... but if she's a girl I know well and she's on the pill raw is straight. Raw is sooo much better not gonna lie. The pleasure is intensely amplified. But I bust about 5x quicker.
Jesus came to Earth to forgive every person of every sin, so the story goes. This is what faith is for. God doesn't deny people because they sinned, that is why Jesus came to Earth and died. I don't believe the story of the bible like Christians do because there is no proof, but I'll have faith because that is the side I would rather be on if it were true.
Just dont fuck hoes! Its that easy lol...I dont even mess w them w a condom....find a good girl you dont gotta worry about! Unless you a hoe....then do you.
I had a std once, got it from some chick I met in a bar. I even wore a jimmy cap, shit stil got me. It wasn't anything horrible and went away in a few months, Still sucked though, worst part was going to planned parenthood and got my junk knocked around in a freezing cold room. Have'nt had one since but I still think about that shit
Your junk slapped around? What kind of test is that? "We need to slap it a few times to see what kind of STD it is" I hate to break this to you but I think you were molested.
Dude I did not think this girl was a hoe. I chilled with her at my house she was acting reserved, asked to kiss her and she wouldn't let me. Then we lied down and watched a movie, and she was like "want to cuddle before I leave" and boom she went into turn on mode. She must be hoeish if she gives up that easily on the first date.
I've caught thrush, molluscum contagiosum, warts. Luckily nothing permanent. My advice: Go raw or go home
If you caught warts that is probably HPV, which is possibly permanent, unless your immune system fought off the virus. Have you actually been tested and re tested? That's the only way to know what you do and do not have.
yes! nice thread op. I'm scared shitless of getting any type of sexual diseases especially hiv and the ones that make women sterile. i just got tested last week having clean results is almost as satisfying as an orgasm. also i got tested at the health building and they told me about some prevention meds for hiv. the only thing that sucks about it is its only for men who sleep with men. i live by a lot of gay people so this interesting to me. a lot of men are on the down low nowadays i wonder if any of them would ever consider being responsible by taking these pills? also how would you guys feel if a girl(myself I'm thinking about doing this) ask you to take an oral quick rapid test (you can buy them at the drug stores) before you guys even date or have sex. oh and also I'm not saying I'm going to have these guys take this test so they nut all in me no! just so both partner knows what they are getting into. i mean I'm seriously thinking about keeping these things in my purse for the just in case moments. and i mean i understand these test aren't fool proof but its something.
The strain I had causes nothing more than warts, it went away in a couple months and I was cleared by the doc. Most strains will resolve themselves, something like 14/100 are the dangerous ones. Of course I was fucking pissed at the time, oh man the desolation and despair!
Stay scared of STDs, it is one of the safest fears out there imo. Also, do not do this bolded part of your post. I would not trust oral tests for detecting STDs, I think HIV can only be diagnosed with a blood test. Use a condom, or abstain. Remember though, HPV can pass through a condom (low chance) and herpes can still be spread by skin to skin contact. Stay pure.
I forgot the name of it until I saw it in this thread.. molluscum contagiosum, the doctor told me kid get it all the time. But the doctor told me to just let it go away. But I googled it and found some stuff the sold at cvs or walgreens. It just looked weird, like a big pimple that needed to be popped, It wasn't on my dick though cuz the condom. Thank god I didn't go down on her. Never go down on random girls, no matter how drunk you are
i think the oral test are accurate if the health department and emergency department uses them. when someone comes rushing into the er you don't always have time to check their blood for pathogens I've been told they use these test for the fast results. it only takes 20 minutes.