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Staying fresh when smoking shwagg?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Coldgreenetea, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. --Noobs fast forward to last sentence--
    ok. So I picked up a quad of some shit ass weed. It is in all big nugs, a couple grams each nug. But the dealer was all sketchy with me. Like, I asked if I could meet at his room....he said no just go outside. So, I go outside into a courtyard that has building on all four sides of it. Almost every room had a person in it at that point, it was like they were all watching us deal. I was like bro this area sucks and he was like just chill. Then he proceeds to tell me to reach into his coat pocket and give the money and grab the weed. After I did it, we talked for another minute or two while I bummed a cig and it was really weird, he was talking about the weed saying how it looks shitty but it gets you really high.

    I look at this stuff after we leave and it is shit. I have only smoked a couple bowls and ive found multiple seeds. I also had a bowl of almost pure didnt do shit to us to make us high so we kept smoking until we were baked.

    We get baked, my friend leaves for class, I start playing this trippy game called Braid or something and then fast forward two hours and im taking a nap. I was like dead lol, I just passed out on the couch. I woke up after having a weird dream about gravity reversing and me falling into the sky. Then I open my eyes and im all disoriented and shit and it takes a minute to understand what im seeing. But I feel like shit.

    What is your plan for an all day smoke-a thon? For me, I would like to be high all day, but after smoking like the second time to wake up more, it puts me out..what do I do?
  2. All day highs aren't too harsh if you're smoking good stuff. If you can't check out the merchandise first, don't even bother buying it. I'd rather be out of weed than stuck smoking schwag, it just makes me tired and groggy.
    As far as keeping energy levels up, multivitamins are great, and I like to have green tea throughout the day if I'm smoking. Hell, even if I'm sober. But it REALLY helps when having an all day smoke-a-thon
  3. make some fire crackers with the stuff. Youll be high all day with like 3 .5g firecrackers.
  4. Smoke good weed=no being burnt out.
  5. hash.. i find smoking hash is the best form of weed to smoke when smoking all day.. personally when i smoke hash its much more of a body high than mind (weed i always get mental blocks or just can't think as sharply when it comes to learning) so i can think properly and go to lectures nd function fine when smoking hash.. nd i never get a burn out for example today i smoke about a gram of hash nd now i need to smoke bowls of kron so i can pass out.. so my advice wud be find good weed or smoke hash.. hope that helped :smoke:

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