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Statistics, neat eh? :D

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Stylez, Feb 24, 2003.

  1. hehe wonder if u guys ever checked out the statistics, pritty cool eh! Im on a few of em! hehe

    Top 10 Posters
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    10 ganjaphish

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    2 Orange Bud Week 2
    3 Harvest time part 2
    4 New Church..whos Joinin??
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    7 Your parents
    8 Best Looking Bud Contest
    9 where can i buy seeds and not get ripped off?
    10 The Fuckin best stonner movie ever

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    1 New Church..whos Joinin??
    2 New Church..whos Joinin??
    3 Shave down there?
    4 How old are you? Privacy Guaranteed, i hope.
    5 the 3 word story game
    6 I.A....Insomniacs Anonymous Meeting
    7 guess the band
    8 Place to post pics of weird stuff
    9 How much does weed cost fer you?
    10 The Fuckin best stonner movie ever

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    Last 10 Search Words
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    [10:23 PM] floro
    [10:20 PM] fluoresent
    [10:58 PM] flouro
    [09:27 PM] which bong
    [09:22 PM] which bong
    [09:21 PM] icebong
    [09:21 PM] overfertilization
    [09:12 PM] morning glory
    [09:08 PM] iceberg
    [08:58 PM] good bong site
  2. wow!! I'm second for the most posts in the past 30 days!!!
  3. haha yep yep, im 10th :p
  4. I have seen those before.

    Looks good from here!
  5. lol...I ususally check it to see if I'm beating Bud Head on number of posts in the past 24 hours...I beat him once!
  6. i reign above all!!

  7. give me some time..I'll catch up [​IMG]
  8. i dont think so....
  9. I don't know...I post 18.25 posts a day... you post 16.45

    better watch out :p
  10. ive got a signifant lead as well..and it was 20 something till i left for a couple daysf:p
  11. yeah, that's true...but I have a lot of posts for only being here since 1/15/03
  12. It's not the quanity of post that counts....

    Quality is what the site is about..

  13. are you saying my posts are low quality? oh man, it's on now! :D
  14. WELL.. a majority of my posts are shite...but...
    without the bad apples we wouldnt have the beaver lick church :p
  15. I didn't say anyones post are low quality.

    But to make post to have the most post is considered spam by SJ.

    There have been members that haven't stayed at the city because of it.

    Norm started out too strong but slowed and had some real usefull post. Although he still has some bullshit post..... He still gives some good input.

    Your input has been good as well Hempress..

    If there starts to be a race to the most post.. SJ will stop it fast!

  16. You know I never duck. Thats why I have scars and stay light headed!
  17. nobodies racin chief...
    just playful banter as far as im concerned..
    i think its neat and all, and i like to gloat or whatever
    but it doesnt really matter to me who has the most posts.
  18. I'm not trying to beat anyone on purpose...I was just joking around :)
  19. LOL.... again i am the last to know something. i spent the last who knows how long sitting around thinking to myself "man... i wish i could see where i stand in the posting game" (just outta curiosity and such)... and here there's a way that everyone knows about but me.

    it's all good though... i'm almost in the top 10. :D ...not that i'm racing or anything... just had a lot of free time for most of the last month and a half :)
  20. Poor Cottons...did we keep something else from you, yet again? ;)

    ::::evil laughter::::

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