Do you really think we are still the superpower in the world. This state of the union opened up like the US is still at the top. For some reason, I think we're in debt and the nations we're in debt to are gaining more power. Are we in debt to other nations? Who's watching the State of the Union? I'm watching it whilst partaking in some bong rips!
i was hoping someone wouuld bring up the topic for discussion..... hmmm lets just see what the guy has to say...(currently watching)
Tuned in 15 minutes ago. I think if I ever become a congressman, I'm going to introduce a law that cuts back on consistently applauding after only two sentences are made by the president in a State of the Union address.
Well i suppose someone needs to kiss his ass. I think of them as rent a crowds. they are there to make him look and feel more important.
Tuned in, and yeah we're still a superpower, other countries are indebted to us, in many different ways.
We have 10s of thousands of troops deployed all over the place, and most countries don't give a fuck. Yeah, I think we have power.
Someone confirm this for me, on the right side of his head, it looks like theres some sort of spider pattern as if he had surgery there...