Who's down for a State of the Union smoking game? I found this drinking game on Huffington Post. Easy enough to convert shots to hits. Here's a copy of the game from the article, cannabilized. Anyone got any more? Event - Instructions Obama says "let me be clear" - Do one hit Obama says "change isn't easy" - Do one hit Obama says "make no mistake" - Do one hit Obama says "Let me be clear, change isn't easy, make no mistake." - He's screwing with you to get you high, so five hits Joe Wilson yells something - Do two hits Obama yells back - Finish the bowl Obama says "jobs" - Do one hit, two if you're unemployed Obama says "health care" - Marijunana's good for you. Take a hit Nancy Pelosi claps like a seal - Do one hit Nancy Pelosi becomes a seal - STOP SMOKING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD (or do one more) Obama mentions Bo - Shotgun your dog Joe Biden nods-off/ laughs inappropriately/ starts talking before the speech is over - Do three hits Obama uses the term "Congressional leadership" - Do two hits, carefully as all that laughing will make it difficult to hold your breath Obama says he's "fighting for you" - Do one hit, two if you believe him Obama mentions Haiti - Text “Haiti†to the number 90999 and donate $10 to the Red Cross
Me too! When Joe Biden started to clap right in the middle of Obama's sentence my husband and I figured that counted so we smoked