State of the Union Smoking Game

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sheshomegrown, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Who's down for a State of the Union smoking game? I found this drinking game on Huffington Post. Easy enough to convert shots to hits.

    Here's a copy of the game from the article, cannabilized. Anyone got any more?

    Event - Instructions
    Obama says "let me be clear" - Do one hit
    Obama says "change isn't easy" - Do one hit
    Obama says "make no mistake" - Do one hit
    Obama says "Let me be clear, change isn't easy, make no mistake." - He's screwing with you to get you high, so five hits
    Joe Wilson yells something - Do two hits
    Obama yells back - Finish the bowl
    Obama says "jobs" - Do one hit, two if you're unemployed
    Obama says "health care" - Marijunana's good for you. Take a hit
    Nancy Pelosi claps like a seal - Do one hit
    Nancy Pelosi becomes a seal - STOP SMOKING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD (or do one more) :smoking:
    Obama mentions Bo - Shotgun your dog
    Joe Biden nods-off/
    laughs inappropriately/
    starts talking before the speech is over - Do three hits
    Obama uses the term "Congressional leadership" - Do two hits, carefully as all that laughing will make it difficult to hold your breath
    Obama says he's "fighting for you" - Do one hit, two if you believe him
    Obama mentions Haiti - Text “Haiti” to the number 90999 and donate $10 to the Red Cross
  2. baaaaahahahha!! This made my night! +rep!

  3. Yay! My first +rep! Thanks :)
  4. And your second. That was so funny. I'm watching the speech now.

  5. Me too! When Joe Biden started to clap right in the middle of Obama's sentence my husband and I figured that counted so we smoked :)
  6. fun gmae.....didnt like the haiti donation part

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