state of the union address 2010

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dragon313, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Wooo...ya? ya, this will be my first time sitting through and expecting the event.

    im 21

    register to vote when 18

    voted like 2/4 times local and nation

    Never really been interested in politics and still sorta not to much, but I want to at least put the effort forward ........why did I start talking about this..

    All I wanted to know is if anyone is going to watch, and are you expecting or hoping for certain subjects to be addressed.
  2. is it on tonight? i've been hearing about it for awhile but idk when it is
  3. #3 Sir Elliot, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    What's the point in watching?

    Obama's speeches are so strikingly similar and so empty of real substance that reading a 1 paragraph summary provides all the info needed.

    His delivery isn't really that great either, his speech writers just employ lots of emotional trigger words and phrases that allow people to read into them whatever they want. He is a 'good speaker' because he uses nice sounding words and people think he agrees with them, not because he is actually a skilled orator.
  4. I agree.

    I'll probably watch anyways, though.
  5. I'm going to watch as part of a requirement for a political science class; but I've been watching the state of the union addresses since like 2003 or 2004, around then.

    It's not especially interesting stuff; but I just want to see what policies Obama is perusing.
    Apparently he will finally ask Congress to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".

    Maybe he'll get heckled again... that was a great, unscripted moment.

  6. Wishful thinking. :p
  7. This will be the first time i have watched it in 8 years ;).
  8. So he just said that india, germany, etc are leading because they are fowarding education.........Obama literally froze tax spending on
  9. #9 Nokturnal420, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    I think his speech is pretty good. And he didn't say they're leading because they're "forwarding education" but because they are improving their economy instead of waiting, which is what Obama said the other option was. Something like that anyway, def. not education, maybe education reform.

    Edit: Hahaha wow, have you guys seen this? The description for the State of the Union on Fox is written "Presidente Barack Obama se dirige al Congreso y a la nacion." All the programs after that are written in English. Conspiracy? You decide.

  10. no actually he said they were focusing on education more then we were
  11. The State of the Union is little more than a partisan pep rally.
  12. Well obviously, pretty much every asian country excels in Math/Science over the United States and most of Europe. They have really capitalized on the computer and engineering fields of education, and I don't really feel like we need to be competing with something already flourishing. We need to focus on higher level education first and foremost, as most people don't know is a pretty corrupt business.
  13. "You see, Washington has been telling us to wait for decades, even as the problems have grown worse. Meanwhile, China's not waiting to revamp its economy. Germany's not waiting. India's not waiting. These nations aren't standing still. These nations aren't playing for second place. They're putting more emphasis on math and science. They're rebuilding their infrastructure. They are making serious investments in clean energy because they want those jobs."
    Yeah, education among other things.
  14. Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 18 (2 members and 16 guests)

    Wow, 16 guests viewing this topic? Hi guys.

    I missed the last 20 minutes or so; but I what I heard was a lot of pretty rhetoric and not so much substance... basically it was like most of Obama's other speeches.

    At least he's finally making a move on repealing "DADT".
  15. Yea, I didn't watch the entire speech, but I caught the last 30 minutes or so and they were clapping frequently.

    I also don't like how often he switches from one teleprompter to the other. It irks me to know that he's reading it.
  16. my god that was an amazing speech (IMO dont flame).
    good speech doesnt mean hes a good president.
    He once again, promised to do a lot of shit that sounds great, but how in the world will we get it done? it sounds like the beginning of his campain, but if he could do everything hes said in the speech, more power too him.
    The part about doubling exports sure would be nice, america is being shadowed by China and if it keeps going this way, we will all see a HUGE shift in the way we live our lifes. Imagine a world where the biggest power is no longer the US, china has all the resources, workers, land, and money. Just like america was back in the 1900's.
  17. These speeches of his absolutely puzzle me. He gives reasonable ideas and shows that he has an understanding of the issues and how people look at him, but I know he will continue to endorse policies that directly conflict with beliefs he expressed in this speech. If he simply attempted to govern according to the principles and ideas he set forth in this speech, he would be the most popular president ever. I dont understand why he makes these great inspiring, intelligent speeches when he knows hes not going to live up to them. Its so stupid politically speaking.
  18. Oh yeah, the non-stop, blatant hypocrisy was great!

    Why was it ok for democrats to oppose everything republicans did, but somehow the rules have changed? Why do Republicans continue to get blame when democrats are in charge? Once again, thanks to a lap dog media, when Dems do it, its ok.

    Notice how Obama attacked partisanship, than launched into partisan finger pointing to the party not in power? The hypocrisy is more than I can take.
  19. Liberal pep rally 2010!

    All they need now is to put Joe Biden in a donkey suit and have him ride a bicycle through a flaming hoop.

    Edit: Pelosi can just simply be lit on fire.

    But seriously, the first thing Obama does is blame the Republicans for everything thats wrong, and then praised himself for "staving off another depression." I turned off the TV after that...
  20. The last time I watched a President give a speech:confused:...Oh yeah, when Nixon resigned.

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