Starting seedlings for outdoor.

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by Boggieman, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Hellow everyone I have a simple question that I just cant find the answer too.

    I grow outdoors and want to maximize my yeild by starting them indoors under floro lights for a month (from april to may). All I have is a 4ft florocent shoplight that hold 2 4ft cool whiite bulbs that are 40wts each. Also they came with plant and aquarium bulbs but cool white is better right?

    Since the first 2 weeks of growth is always slow atleast for me do you think this will be sufficent until they go outdoors?
  2. it depends on how big u want them to get but i think a month is good bro.
    make sure tho that you harden the little baby girls off first.cuz sunlight is super strong much more that a coupe of gradually introduce them to sunlight and outdoors.
  3. Thanks green, and thanks for the fast reply.

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