Starting NORML chapter in a new area

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Pizzaroll, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. #1 Pizzaroll, Aug 6, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2013
    Hey guys :)

    I live in Mansfield, Pennsylvania. Im only 20 years old but have enjoyed Cannabis since I was 16 years old. I enjoy the way it makes me feel and think and I see no reason why it should be illegal for me to ingest a harmless plant if I choose to.

    Currently in Pennsylvania there are no decriminalization laws besides Philadelphia and Medical Marijuana still has not been passed here.

    We have plenty of surrounding states that are making progress yet Pennsylvania seems to be pretty close minded about moving forward with the movement.

    Pennsylvania has 2 surrounding states with decriminalization laws (Ohio and New York). We also have 2 states with laws passed for Medical Marijuana (New Jersey and Delaware).

    Pennsylvania also has a pending medical
    marijuana bill known as The Governor Raymond Shafer Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act (Senate Bill 1003).

    I know that Joseph B Scarnati III is one of our legislators that has a vote for Medical Marijuana and his office is in the surrounding town of Wellsboro, PA so I feel it's important to build support in the community to show him how important it is that he helps pass this bill.

    I would love to start a NORML chapter in my area but how would you go about starting it? Do I need to do any specific things to make it a legitimate chapter. I'm also going to email this message to a NORML representative to get some feedback from them.

    What kind of backlash should I expect from the community, local law enforcement, current employer, and my current landlords.

    I was thinking we could have a local bake sale or concert to raise money for bill boards or any other ways we can build support.

    There are also at least 2 local colleges I can think of that I can use to build support as well. I don't think it's going to be too difficult to build support of the younger population but I don't know how I'd build support from the older population.

    Any advice that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. Please help me turn Pennsylvania into a green friendly state. :)
  2. oh man it takes allot of work, just look at us in Cali

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