Okay let me explain to you guys everything I did to prepare for it. Last year I grew with one clone I got from a buddy. I grew it in natural soil from my yard and I used mg 15-30-15 during veg then during flower I switched to greenlight 12-56-6. The size pot I used was 7.5 gallons. I ended up with 1/2 pound from my first real grow I did. This year I started with seeds and 12/12 them from seeds to find out what sex they were. I ended up with 3 females, but only kept one and gave the other 2 to some buddies. My setup this year: 20 inch pot( anybody know how many gallons this is? It was the biggest I could find). Foxfarm ocean Forrest potting soil One female plant. What fertilizers do you guys recommend me to use? Should I expect better results then last year since I got bigger pot, better soil and when I do get some ferts?