Starting indoor moving outdoor?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by taylorfrocks, May 29, 2011.

  1. Is it safe to start off my plants inside? I germinated them in a paper towel.. Then I put them in plastic cups and let them sprout..

    SOme of them have sprouted already and i was thinking about growing them inside under some CFL lights for a while before i put them outside in their permanent home..

    Is this ok to do? Or should i put them outside right away?

    Thanks for any advice! I appreciate it!
  2. Yes It's fine to start the plants indoor then take them out, you just don't want to use both natural and artificial light during the same cycle. Meaning you wouldn't keep them on 24 hr light by taking them outside all day then bringing them in and putting under artificial for the other time.

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