startin a T break

Discussion in 'General' started by UNAB0MB3R, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. So, ive been smoking pretty heavily for the past month or so (pre much all day everyday) and halfway through my current bag i realized i dont get that high anymore. so now im faced with having to choose between quiting on a bag and having some of that sweet sweet smoke for when i decide to end my break, or get stoned one last time to finish off the bag?

  2. finish off the bag, itll have dried up after your break
  3. this is true...and that will mean my t break will be ensured by my lack of ganja, and my lack of money to pick up. and i getta blaze now :D
  4. haha good shit bro, glad I could help you toke da dank, good luck witht he break man
  5. Its just temptation if its lying there on t-break, smoke it up and enjoy it while you can.
    Then when youve none, youve non, until you set up a deal.
    Good luck with the t-break man! You can do it!

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