Got some northern lights feminized online. Just transplanted to cups today 8 days after starting germination. Now I know I still have to sex them and then if they are female I can cut a clone from them is that how it works? I dont know what to do next and do not want to waste these seeds. I did five northern lights and the three free ones Bubba Kush. Aroma. And vintage 2006
A bit too early to worry about cloning, just kick back and wait is all you can do at the moment. Nice start though bro
I know but I'm wondering if I can sex them In veg stage because otherwise I have to switch to flower to sex then if its female make a clone right? I can't just sex and put back in veg can I? Also I heard too much light can kill clones. Does the same thing apply with seedlings?
Where did you order your seeds from if u don't mind me asking. How stealthy was the package they came in?
Got from attitude seeds H t t p : / / w w w . C a n n a b I s - s e e d s - b a n k . C o . U k Yes it was very discreet 12 dollars for guaranteed delivery and you can pay with your credit card or prepaid credit card they came in about a week very fast LOL ****edited****
The first rule of Fight Club is "Don't talk about fight club" I think he didn't want you to tell what the stealth actually was. I wouldn't worry about it though. I think Customs knows all of the tricks, they just don't sweat the small stuff. Not worth the payoff for them. BTW rent the movie "Fight Club" The movie is pretty dank it's own bad self.
[quote name='"Bigdad"']The first rule of Fight Club is "Don't talk about fight club" I think he didn't want you to tell what the stealth actually was. I wouldn't worry about it though. I think Customs knows all of the tricks, they just don't sweat the small stuff. Not worth the payoff for them. BTW rent the movie "Fight Club" The movie is pretty dank it's own bad self.[/quote] Ahj ya I should have known better silly me.
Good idea. May have to watch that tonight. He's prolly right tho about them knowing. Just dont want to help prohibition and all. Good luck with the beans man.
I can't believe you dropped a pretty good amount of cash and germinated with what's seems to have been no research. 8 seedlings look a little stretched already get them closer to your light. All your northrn lights should already be females since you bought FEMINIZED SEEDS. The three freebies if not feminized let them grow till about 4-5th leaf set and take some clippings and follow a good cloning procedure and throw those into a 12-12 light cycle off the back should show signs of sex in two to three weeks if males trash em.
Well I didn't do no research I had a dude helping me and gave me 24 clones to get started. The problem is the homeboy who started helping me gave me clones then left me hanging after I built the room. But for my first grow I think I'm doing OK. I'm learning. Updated pics. ** UPDATED LINK ** Try this link