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Starring while high??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cincle38, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. This one type I smoked this weed outside then went inside and sat Dow and my eyes wanted to start starring then it would get to a point where I get completely zoned out and my body and eyes feel stuck at what I'm starring at and I would have to really snap out of it. Is this normal and have this ever happen to you? This was like my fifth time smoking.
  2. Ya man it's normal

  3. Lol, to combat the stare just start doing complex math in your head. That usually breaks it for me. I have a problem of doing it a lot more when not stoned than when stoned.

    Also, how old are you?
  4. 18.... I was always curious about the time that happened

  5. mmmkay.. officer Cain here juuuust checkin' ID's :D

    If you're really interested in it you may want to get crazy high and go get an EEG
  6. Yeah I love starring when im high, but its usually not a problem since im in my dorm after I smoke
  7. [quote name='johncain1']mmmkay.. officer Cain here juuuust checkin' ID's :D

    If you're really interested in it you may want to get crazy high and go get an EEG[. Btw how Old are you
  8. It's called being high.


  9. Oh well that doesn't always happen when I'm high sometime u feel like doing something but this time I felt stuck I guess it wS some strong indica tho
  10. Definition of STARRING

    transitive verb
    1: to sprinkle or adorn with stars
    2a : to mark with a star as being pre-eminent
    b: to mark with an asterisk
    3: to feature in the most prominent or important role <the movie stars a famous stage personality>

  11. You know wat I mean

  12. Ye man, I sprinkle the stars too when i'm high! :smoke:
  13. dude, one time i stared at my face in the mirror and i went into like super-foucus or something and i saw my grandfathers face in mine. it was crazzzzzzy

    ppl always said i resemble him but i never believed it

  14. Lol so do you believe it now since that expirence
  15. Lol dude zoning is the like cornerstone of getting high. How much did you smoke? Cause from the sounds of it you smoke just enough to get a buzz. Try smoking twice to thrice the amount of what you usually smoke, then see what happens lol. Trust me you be like :hippie:

  16. Lol I smoked have a joint I mixed the joint with two different types of weed and I have a low tolerance but my body was tingling to tho and it lasted for like 2 solid hours then I was just lightheaded for the rest of the day

  17. Don't smoke it, eat it. Soooo much better

  18. That was funny

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