Staring at girls?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by teeheeterror, May 15, 2012.

  1. #1 teeheeterror, May 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2012
    When you guys notice an attractive girl, do you usually try to make eye contact and hold it for as long as possible?
    Me, being the insecure guy I am, never look at them the instant I notice them walking my way because it seems intimidating. But I feel like I should really attempt to do the former...just to see their reactions.
  2. I've been doing this a lot at work lately.

    Staring down the pretty girls walkin' by makes the time go by faster. Try it out bro, couldn't hurt. :confused_2:
  3. Just Holding eye contact for as long as possible is kinda creepy. Rather, you should smile immediately, and say hey, how are you, whats up, etc.
    If she is into you, she'll answer or smile back at u.
  4. Just smile and say how you doing? Don't awkwardly look away because then they know they're more attractive than you, and that you're insecure.
  5. a quick glance (not an awkward peak) is a good way to get a girls interest
  6. i sit and stare at them titties all day son
  7. mad chicks at work, i stare at them and they wave rofl..
  8. Gonna try this next time...just for kicks.
  9. hahah at my first job at bk we used to yell "price check" when there was a hottie out front and all the cook's would come out of the kitchen stare at the hottie and then look up at the menu for a sec look back at the hottie and then go back in the kitchen............. lololol
  10. I usually try to catch their eye as i pass by em and give them the ol' smile and nod. If you try to avoid eye contact thats a pretty big sign to them youre not interested. Then again, straight out staring at them until they notice is creepy as fuck haha. I guess stare in moderation? Lol idk
  11. wait if a guy makes eye contact with u that means hes like checkn u out right?
    I knew I wasnt going crazy..
    once there was this super hot waiter an he kept staren over at my table
    an then he walked past the table an made eye contact an I freaked out
    an almost choked on a piece of pizza =|
  12. Nahh man I don't stare at girls unless they're staring at me. A quick glance will do the trick. If you make eye contact in that glance it's a good trick like someone else above me said.

    Staring them down makes them think "who the fuck is this guy?"
  13. Just make eye contact and smile if they make eye contact back.

    Staring is fine. Girls like the attention. Just don't stare to the point where it starts to get weird.....
  14. Give them a quick glance, smile, and then approach them casually.
    Ask them what they're up to/where they are heading/how they are and then say, "I don't mean to be too straight forward but you are incredibly beautiful and you seem like a really chill person. Would you wanna hang out sometime?"
    If she says no or I have a bf, say, "no worries, your beauty caught my eye and I just couldn't resist..." and walk away
    If she says yeah, ask her for her number and tell her you will text/call her.
    Make sure you wait at least 3 days, though. If she is into you too it'll make her sweat & jump to your texts/calls.
  15. That's how the last chick I was seeing started. I'd just sit at the library and repeatedly glance over and we'd cross eyes. Finally she came up and gave me her number. (I'm a puss :p)

  16. I worked at a restaurant and whenever hots girl came in the store whoever was at the register would knock on the metal bar that holds the tickets to get whoever was on the line to look up.

    But to the OP, I just give them a quick look, as in let them "catch me" looking but not staring. Especially when I'm walking around campus, some people just walk around engaged in themselves but I like to see people walking around, besides hotties there's plenty of people who just do hilarious with/without realizing it.
  17. Say hi smile flirt don't say anything dumb cool suave confident
  18. [quote name='"Joerusalem"']That's how the last chick I was seeing started. I'd just sit at the library and repeatedly glance over and we'd cross eyes. Finally she came up and gave me her number. (I'm a puss :p)[/quote]

    Your lucky that shit never happens hahaha
  19. Yeah I gave them a quick peak and if they look at me back, I give them a cute smile back. I don't do that creepy shit hahaha but however, I do catch some attractive girls looking at me but when I turn, they look away trying to be slick and shit lol.

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