Starcraft 2 Beta

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by HeadySpaghetti, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Anyone thats interested and sign up here for a chance to be in the beta for Starcraft 2.
    StarCraft II

    For people that already know about this, anyone have any idea when the beta will be released? Hope I can be apart of it :)
  2. I am probably the worst SC player EVER, however I love all of Blizzard's games (diablo mainly) I signed up for that beta the first day that shit was out yo, with blizzard there is no fucking clue when that shit comes out. They release it when it's ready
  3. I have a beta card. Just waiting for it to start though :(
  4. I was so nasty at the original Starcraft, me and my friends were obsessed with this game we used to mess people up on bnet :D.

  5. How did you get one?!

  6. I went to Blizzcon that one year they were giving them out :)
  7. Sigh, they need to bring Blizzcon to the Javitz Center...
  8. So apparently the beta is making headlines this past week, anything concrete / legit?
  9. im starting to think that starcraft 2 is a myth.
  10. I LOVE BLIZZARD Games. Sux I have to wait for SC2 to come out Before I get my DIablo 3 though lol.

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