Star Trek.

Discussion in 'General' started by Trichrome, May 21, 2009.

  1. I watched Star Trek the other day after smoking some AK47..
    I have to say that that movie completely changed my life.
    The whole time i was thinking about space and all the infinite knowledge that there is out there.

    It kind of scares me how people pretty much become brainless zombies, but i really feel that that is how the future will be.

    We will learn of new lifeforms on other planets, and begin trading/communicating with them

    Like, you know how we have intercontinental trade going from USA and China and all that? Space will be just like that, but on a huge scale. Other planets will be like continents and we will trade with them and live there.


    The only thing they didn't include in the movie is obesity.
    Obesity rate will probably be 100% by then D:.
  2. [ame=]My Favorite Movie (Star Trek vs. Star Wars) - CollegeHumor Video[/ame]
  3. I was hatin on that movie hardcore. Saw it, and its actually not that bad.
  4. Fun fact: Leonard Nimoy will supposedly be playing The Fallen in Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen.
    Fact: If he really does, it will be awesome.
    Fact: I will scream like a little girl.
  5. Dude I wanted to fuckin KILL the dude they got playin spock now, the attitude that character has.... If I knew anyone like that in real life I would assassinate them.:mad:
  6. Hey man, that's Sylar you're talkin' about.....He might cut yo forehead open and steal yer powerz....
  7. See man, I was hatin on it too...then I saw it...and I'm still hatin it. Movie bored the shit out of me. I've never been that enthralled by the Star Trek or even Star Wars storyline though.

    The Russian dude did make me geek out though
  8. Dude that kids always funny yo, Ah man I was fucked up on some pills n whatnot, I was just enjoyin it :D

    Only part that made me roll my eyes was when the young kirk showed up my girl goes "wow hes hot" :rolleyes:

  9. yeahh, when i was a little kid i was always confused which one was which because both were the same to me because i wasnt into them so, therefore i didnt know which one was which. yadadmean?!!!?!?!

    ...yeah, longest sentence ever! :smoking::smoking::smoking:
  10. I loved Star Trek. I'm somewhat of a Sci-Fi geek but not hardcore like a lot of people out there. I enjoy Star Wars and all that so I guess I was gonna like Star Trek already. It's a great movie though.
  11. Eh, personally I didn't like it at all and I saw it baked as hell. But then again I don't like star trek anyway. The movie was all just so unoriginal. Im so tired of all these spin-offs and prequels and hugh jackman. R.I.P originality. I shall miss you.

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