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Stages of High - Maximising The High?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rivalZone, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. So first lets break down the experience into 3 parts.

    The Buzz
    The High

    Most smokers will know what I'm talking about.

    Now I have always had a little theory, and just wondering on some clarification.
    When smoking, is it the more you smoke and the quicker you smoke it the higher you will get? Then if you relax into the high, and smoke some more after say 30mins, does it have much of an effect? I have found it doesn't.

    Should I power-smoke as much as I can in 10mins to attain the best high or will smoking a decent amount over say an hour still get me really blazed?:smoking:
  2. spreading it out would be FAR more conversative.. for me, theres a ceiling effect where i will only get so high i guess, if you smoke it all at once your prob going to come down at about same time little longer so u know what i mean.
  3. just dont eat for awhile before hand whenever i smoke on an empty stomach i do be bollixed

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