Stackers, those effing lil pills.

Discussion in 'General' started by JaneInMyBrain, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. Ok so just for the record i HATE stackers. But ive been thinkin alot lately about suttin i did about a year ago. My friend and i each stole a bottle of stackers and we took about 17 each within an hour or so. And we also drank, smoked weed, took bout 5 dramamine each, and took some muscle relaxers. We were buzzin pretty good.

    But neways i puke off like 2 stackers ne more. I have no clue how i managed to take so many and her either. I was just wondering how many stackers at a time most people do to get high off them. Not that i plan on ever doin them again. And how much b4 you should like go to the hospital. My heart was beatin fast and hard as fuck i felt it pulsating (sp?) thru my whole body it felt like i was layin on a water bed and they were waves. It was some crazy shit.
  2. well... now they dont have ephedra in them so i wouldnt reccomend it, those things make me puke hardcore when i take a fuckload.
  3. yeah ephedra cranks yur metabolism into hyperdrive. i went and bought some ephedra pills last winter before they went illegal. very good for staying up if i need to do shit.
  4. Canada sells ephedra in all there drug stores (some supermarkets even)
    of course the united states doesn't and came up with an "alternative" for all the health watchers out there.
    My mom takes ephedra for weight loss. Shes not suspecticle to its negative effects though.

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