SSH Update

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by hoppnessmonster, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. 100 days from seedling. how is she lookin?

    Attached Files:

  2. looks good. Nice work.
  3. Is that greenhouses ssh? Looks about identical to mine except mines a little darker
  4. looks good what strain is that?
  5. yeah greenhouse seed. Super Silver Haze
  6. Nice good luck with it I love my ssh, the high is perfect for me, alot of head but plenty body also.
  7. thanks for the comments. this is my first season and im so ready to see my first buds
  8. Well I couldn't think of a better strain to start with, you can mess up alot with that strain, its pretty damn strong. Be warned though, my ssh always is the longest budding... Takes forever. It always starts last for me also, all my other strains are budding right now except the haze
  9. jPinkham, mine aren't really starting yet. Just some random bagseed though.
  10. Prob sativa dominant, all indica dominant should be budding atleast in my area
  11. yeah thats what i read on most hazes, but hopefully it will be worth the wait :)
  12. [quote name='"hoppnessmonster"']yeah thats what i read on most hazes, but hopefully it will be worth the wait :)[/quote]

    Its def worth it
  13. ya ive got a buddy in KY that planted some mid-grade and he already has popcorn sized buds.
  14. This is my first grow, and im already in love with growing. This is something that i will do until i am physically unable to do. To be able to watch a plant grow from a little seed to a (tree) is an amazing experience. I can only immagine whats its going to be like to look at, hold, and smell my first bud. I hope that everyone else has as much fun with growing as i have so far.

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