\tThe End Of The Srirachapocalypse http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/09/sriracha-shortage-over_n_4569019.html
Love that shit, put in on eggs, hash browns, mac and cheese, pizza, spaghetti. I get a stuffy head I take strait shot of it.
Huh. Well I guess Florida didnt get the memo, because I got a bottle at publix in early January. Oh well, its here to stay
Ironically my last name so I have a few different bottles. Sweet death is good for regular food. Ive had a bottle of mega death for about 4 years, still 9/10ths full. A toothpick dip every now and then for a intense buzz. Try the Blair's q heat habanero mango. Hand crafted. Very good.
ive tried the mango habanero. Lasted me a week lol. The megadeath sauces are amazing. Gives you a rank buzz lol Sent from my SGH-I337M using Grasscity Forum mobile app
They didn't stop making it. They just slowed down the production of it. go buy a lot now! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum