I love seeing weird shit from Japan. It's proof that radiation from an A bomb gives people superpowers. The Japs just managed to get super weirdness as their power.
shit its economical and all that mess. but more importantly think of all the possibilities of having square food...can you say watermellon cake? hell nawwww
The Japanese fucking love watermelon. Seriously. It's kinda like how pretty much everything in the US is cherry flavored.
why so much more expensive? I can see a lil price jump. but goin from $15-$25 to $82 seems a lil steep!
Whenever I get watermelons, I pretty much eat them the day I get them, or cut them in half, and eat one half for a while, then eat the other half. I'm not paying 82$ for a fucking watermelon that I can get out of a garden for close to nothing.
I'm going to grow a square watermelon. Or a square orange. Just for shits and giggles. And profit. =)