sprouting conditions

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by smokey-updated!, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. does the soil have to be wet at all time? how many times a day should i water its in solo starter cups. also once it sprouts how many times a day should i water?
  2. The norm is every other day. But it depends on how big your pots are and stuff like that. You want the top layer of soil to get dry before you give more water. For seedlings i would say probably the first 1/2" to get dry before adding more water. You just dont want your roots to get dry. But you dont want the soil to be soaked the whole time either.

    Hope this helps and just doesnt confuse you.
  3. U should put ur seedlisngs in a cup of warm water, that way u know that they did sprout and should grow.

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