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Spring Break trip from TX to Cali with some friends...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by spikeystud88, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. #1 spikeystud88, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2010
    So my friends and I have decided that we want an epic Spring Break trip this year. We found out one of our friends Dads has a badass 3-story cabin in the mountains in California, so we're gonna drive all the way from Texas to cali and stay there for a whopping 6 days. We're all pretty pumped, and we're making sure to plan things out ahead of time so that we have as much fun as possible.

    To avoid any problems on the way, we probably wont take any green with us...just our CLEAN pipes/bongs. Could we get in trouble for having these if we got searched on the way there for some reason?

    And to anyone that lives in Cali/has visited Cali what are some general tips/dos & donts/etc.?

    We'll be there March 12-18 btw, in case that matters...

    Thanks d00ds :D!
  2. damnnn thats really sick man you will definitely have a good time. I've done this numerous times every time you always end up finding what your looking for. :smoking:

    Also if your driving from Dallas or Ft. Worth area then its going to be a good 20 hr drive straight there unless you decide to stop and stay somewhere.

    and on the other note.. I wouldn't worry about anything just drive safe and the speed limit!

  3. Thanks man, +rep for sure. I was talking to a friend of mine and he suggested hitting the coast once we're out of Texas so that we have a pretty view for the longass we're planning on about 24hrs total. But yeah definitely focus on safety and not speeding...getting there 20 minutes early isn't worth the risk of a $300 ticket lol.

    I absolutely cant wait...Cali + friends + dank + free cabin + mountains = best SB ever!
  4. #4 spikeystud88, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    All right, we've hit a bit of a snag with the trip plans...turns out my friend's cabin will only be available the the 16-18...we planned on staying the 12-18. But since there's 6 of us we're just gonna get a hotel for 3 days, then stay in the cabin for the last 3 days...

    So I've got a few questions:

    1) Where do you think the best/cheapest/most bang for your buck hotels in Cali are? Our limit is $200/night, so I'm thinking we could find something pretty nice
    2) If we plan on smoking, should we DEFINITELY get a smoking room?
    3) If we plan on smoking, should we only use bongs/pipes (aka things that aren't just sitting there burning) and use a sploof?
    4) Is it a dumb idea to smoke in a hotel?
    5) Any random tips from ya'll?

    Thanks GC :hello:!
  5. what part of california? its gonna be a very very long drive, just a heads up. If your planning to make it in one day, theres no way.

    WHy are you looking for a hotel if you have a cabin?
    I wouldnt smoke in a hotel if you get one. Just smoke outside.
  6. where are you from in TX? maybe you can take me if you pass through temple...:D

  7. Lol we already got a full car otherwise I'd totally pick you up :smoking:!
  8. for $200/night you can get a really nice hotel. Depending on what part of cali you are in check out SF and haight. SF has sick hotels and sf is really relaxed about weed
  9. #9 spikeystud88, Feb 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2010
    Wanted to go ahead and bump this up since the trip is less than 2 weeks away now.

    Have a few questions for your guys...

    1) I really want to bring my vape, but I've heard bad things about searches of cars going to/coming from Cali. If I clean the vape really well, and we dont have any weed in the car, would it be safe to bring it with us?

    2) Any suggestions on finding bud once we get there?

    Would love to chill with anyone from Cali :D. If you're in Cali and want to chill between March 12-17 shoot me a PM :). We still haven't decided 100% on which cities we will be in at first, but from the 15-17 we will be in Big Bear!

    Edit: Also, what are some of the 'must see' things/places in Cali?
  10. #10 420kushmastaaaa, Feb 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2010
    stop burning cali out,shit take your lame ass back and stay over in texas.
    Use common sense theirs no need for all these dumb questions...
    and wtf did you just ask what are some suggestions on finding bud in cali?

    fucken face palm/

  11. First of all, learn how to spell.

    Second, if you think my questions are dumb - dont post. No one is making you, and you have nothing to do yourself and everyone else a favor and just dont post next time.

    Third, I'm asking these questions so that we know what to expect and dont end up in trouble/ruin our trip.

    Lastly, yes I asked where to find bud in Cali. Just because it's Cali doesn't mean there's bud on every corner. Yeah, of course it's gonna be easier than finding bud somewhere in Texas, but we're only gonna be there for a week. I'd rather not spend the first 3 days looking for bud when we could be enjoying ourselves. I didn't know if there were certain parts of towns/parks/shit like that where it's easy to find.

    To make a long story short: I'm asking questions to cover my ass and make sure we have fun/stay safe. If you're just gonna post useless bullshit, why post at all?
  12. you'll have more fun if you just wing it. If your shit is clean there is nothing to worry about with the cops. Don't worry about planning it out and shit, just be a pot head and have a good time :)

    and come on, its cali, ask around and someone will give you some bud.

  13. Lame,what did i misspell i didn't catch it.

  14. I appreciate the advice, but we want to at least have things loosely planned out. I understand what you're saying, and we are definitely winging parts of it...but there are certain things we do want planned out.

    'Their' when it should have been 'there'.

    Anyone else have thoughts on bringing the vape?
  15. Damn lucky sounds like one ill time up in Cali
  16. #17 chubba, Mar 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2010
    i just moved to dallas tx from orange county ca lol, um yea they do have a borderpatrol thing set up on i20 leaving texas too... as far as bringing the vape and such clean it well, theres lots of dogs but i didnt get my carsearced even just dont act dumb, the drive is kinda long took me a little over 20 hours to get to dallas, big bear is fun, definatly go out to the beaches but thats a given
  17. damn sounds like ur going to have a kick ass time i wish my friends were like that. good luck!

  18. +rep, thanks for the advice bro! Yeah I plan on cleaning the vape really's super easy to clean, so that shouldn't be a problem. Do you have any idea what % of the cars they use dogs on? We're not bring weed with us, but I really wanna bring my grinder (gotta grind it up for the vape) but I'm sure the dog would smell it. If worse comes to worse I'll empty out the kief and soak the grinder in alcohol and get it clean as a whistle.

    Yeah we're planning on the drive taking forever lol...gonna make some brownies before and eat some of those bitches in the car :).

    That's crazy you just moved from Cali to you likin' Texas so far?

    Also is there snow in big bear this time of year? Friends really wanted to go snowboarding.

  19. Yes there is, we just had a rain storm so there is fresh powder right now. I think there's more rain to come at the end of the week so you guys should be set when you come out here. I would definately recommend scoring before you get to big bear cuz it's a lot harder finding it up there. Just stay at a cheap motel 6 or something and don't worry about smoking in the rooms, just air it out

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