spring baked trippin 2010

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by getzlifted, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Alright so this year for spring break me and like 4 of my buddies are going to go on a tri-state skatepark tour. We're gunna be going from Michigan to Ohio to Illinois blowin heavy good on the way haha. I'm also planning on bringing at least an ounce of mush for the nights at the hotels haha.

    What do you guys think of this? Do you have any suggestions for things we could do or do any of ya'll live in those states and skate trying to meet up and session?
  2. #2 MaDKroniK, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    Watch for state troopers. You should pop by Chicago if you've never been here. Alot of interesting things and fun things to do and it would be an experience.

    My opinion though.
  3. sounds fun as hell, like the dude said above me, watch out for troopers...
  4. haha hell yeah fuck the pigs we're gunna keep in on lockdown
  5. What about Indiana?
  6. hit up wisconsin. theres some decent parks around the milwaukee area.
  7. haha shit i forgot about indiana yeah we're hittin that up too i'm pretty sure there is a nice park somewhere in that state.
  8. Yup, quite a few in Indianapolis.
  9. yeah i think my buddy was telling me about a outdoor one there thats open 24/7 cause it has lights.

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