Spraying Weed with sugar

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by triump, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. I have heard that spraying weed with sugar increses the effect. Is this true and if so how much should be spraid.

  2. never heard that before....
  3. dont do it, it attracts bugs and will be a huge disaster... someone told me about it and its not a good idea at all. If you want flavored buds i heard you can add some flavor extract to your water and water your plant with it up to 2 weeks before harvest..
  4. Don´t do anything so foolish!!!
  5. and what ever you do dont spray a plant in flower.
  6. I want to know who is telling new growers this. I definitely saw a thread similar to this one a few weeks ago. And as far as I've read, spraying anything on your plant while its in flower will greatly diminish THC levels because, well, your basically spraying the THC Crystals off.
  7. Absolutely, spray nothing at all on your buds!
  8. if you spray a plant while flowering it can cause your buds to go moldy and you get bud rot and you do not want that at all.

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